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  1. R


    If you like this manga make sure to go like it on the author's twitter.
  2. R

    Omoi ga Omoi Omoi-san - Vol. 2 Ch. 38 - Normal is the Best

    Always makes me sad how characters like this guy get thrown under the bus to make the MC look better. High School boys are horny as fuck. It's just a part of nature, and the neutering of the male MC to cast him in some sort of angelic light is a common and strange thing in manga.
  3. R

    My Clueless First Friend - Vol. 5 Ch. 58

    Maybe I was raised in a different environment but "That group of girls who already knew what sex was and couldn't stop saying the word" was definitely a real thing.
  4. R


    Love love love this manga. Is he relieved because he knows his magical girl form would be sad, or is he relieved because his magical girl form is affecting his mind and he's starting to like his bro? It's stuff like this that is so good. Also as Zabu said, I like that he looks more like his...
  5. R

    Tengoku Daimakyou - Vol. 5 Ch. 31 - Ohma

    God this manga is the hardest to wait for.
  6. R

    Giri-Giri Saegiru Katagirisan - Vol. 3 Ch. 35

    The 'romance' for the tags in this story is actually for the bros. Seriously one of the best bromances in manga. More manga need this instead of just throwing in 5 girls and pushing the guys' friends to the wayside.
  7. R

    A Boy Who Loves Genderswap Got Genderswapped, so He Acts Out His Ideal Genderswap Girl - Vol. 4 Ch. 23

    Ah, a prime example of why yuri fans are so annoying, these last few posts.
  8. R

    Mikakunin de Shinkoukei - Vol. 11 Ch. 136

    Damn do I love me some High School Girl x Middle School/Elementary School Boy.
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    A Boy Who Loves Genderswap Got Genderswapped, so He Acts Out His Ideal Genderswap Girl - Vol. 4 Ch. 23

    Glad to see yuri fans are as annoying as ever. "Yuri is relatively new" LMFAO. Lesbians have been given benefit over homosexual men for all of history simply because men find the idea of kissing other dudes nasty but find the idea of two girls making out hot. This is why hetero genderbender is...
  10. R

    Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi - Vol. 7 Ch. 124

    Jesus christ this is some light /ss/ and the comments are freaking out. I love me some older woman/younger guy so you bet your ass I'm happy for this.
  11. R

    Love is Still Too Early for Himeno-chan - Vol. 6 Ch. 50

    Electirc? Ouji-kun is a good boy.
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    Immortal Hounds - Vol. 6 Ch. 35 - Simultaneously

    Don't see anything wrong here! Nice job.
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    The Troubles of a Fortune Teller - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - Amateur palm reading

    >Short but full life Our little guy isn't going to make it past 25. Give your thoughts and love to him.
  14. R


    Needs 'psychological' tag.