Aw man, this was one of the good ones, I mean the MC was still op has fuck but at least he seemed to be having fun with his powers instead of moping or trying to save the world or being dense about his power to the point of actually becoming an annoyance (like a certain moonlight guided manga)...
UH I was wondering what happened to this series, guess this explains it, I find it funny that translator groups think that people are going to abandon agregator sites for their shitty pages lol
Anyways BIG thanks for the chapters to the new translators.
Jesus Christ Murata-sama plz stop with the Tatsumaki covers, I dont want a visit form the FBI.
Also King power is just Max bluff/intimidation with some luck, He's that joke build that turns out to be broke has all fuck.
EH, for me the Yamai (the yandere) girl was more annoying than this one, at least this girl is making Komi work for the friendship instead of the "OMG KOMi-SAN SO CUTE" that we have been getting all this time, kinda refreshing.