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  1. vinsegas

    Beautiful masterpiece of a manga.

    I have a bunch of favourites. But counting only the completed ones, I guess my favourite one is Pluto. Truly a beautiful work with a beautiful message. Monster is also great, but I watched the anime.
  2. vinsegas

    Dungeon Meshi - Vol. 11 Ch. 71.1 - Daydream Hour 4

    Damn, Dad Senshi, and buff Kuro.....
  3. vinsegas

    Roland Roland - Ch. 119

    Hugo was simply cutting some meat. Nothing to be afraid of.
  4. vinsegas

    easy games for beginners?

    Darkest dungeon. Jokes aside, go for some gba games with an emulator. That console has real gems. Zelda, Advance Wars, Fire Emblem, Mario, and a large etc.
  5. vinsegas

    Shadows House - Vol. 4 Ch. 50.5 - Volume 4 Extras

    Thanks for the extra!
  6. vinsegas

    Witch Hat Atelier - Vol. 8 Ch. 44

    Thanks for the chapter!
  7. vinsegas

    Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. - Vol. 22 Ch. 294 - I'm also sorry

    Sooooooooo...... Nothing happened? I mean, Fuck yeah!!!! Status quo!!!!! Hoorayyy!!!!
  8. vinsegas

    How much anime/manga do you watch/read on a daily basis?

    Normally 1 or 2. It is weird, but when I start reading a manga I stop watching anime, and when I start watching an anime I stop reading new mangas. (Not counting ongoing ones) I guess that's my old ass brain telling me "Dude, you have to focus more time on your work". Fuck off, brain!!
  9. vinsegas

    The Politics Megathread

    @Mielly Touche!
  10. vinsegas

    The Politics Megathread

    I dont usually bother myself with this thread because I fear I will suffer a stroke. But a lot of people here are against Biden because he is from the "left". The funny thing is that their "left" would be the right in Europe, here we have the real left. And their right would be considered...
  11. vinsegas

    quick rant ab how manga is treated

    Manga ratings are inflated both on the high scores and in the low scores. Most of the people dont want to think much in what score they give to a manga. So if they like it they give it a 8 or a 9, if they dont like it they give it a 2 or a 3. It is as simple as that. This issue had been asked...
  12. vinsegas

    ••your•• favourite music lyrics

    Por el culo te voy a dar. (It means Im gonna fuck you in the ass, roughly) Truly a masterpiece. Its from the spanish group Larva fecal (Wich means shit worm or something like that) Enjoy.
  13. vinsegas

    What was the last thing that made you drop a series (for whatever reason)?

    Lack of character progression. Mostly thats the reason I drop most of the mangas I start reading.
  14. vinsegas

    Western fantasy novels/books that would make good mangas?

    I think A song of Ice and Fire done right could be a really great anime, because the live series is shit. The only people that like it are the ones that havent read the books.
  15. vinsegas

    Pseudo Harem - Vol. 6 Ch. 127 - Determination

    Unpopular opinion here, but I think we needed more chapters of drama. Drama really helps, cause it lets the characters growth and all that, drama done right is always interesting.
  16. vinsegas

    Shadows House (Official Colored) - Vol. 7 Ch. 80 - Everyday Life

    Man, when they remind you of the circumstances of the living dolls, sure is creepy.
  17. vinsegas

    Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru - Vol. 7 Ch. 91 - The 91st move

    Get that girl on the box! She is to horny!
  18. vinsegas

    Tell us, what's bothering you ?

    @Plykiya Aha.... Tell me more about this device and it's purpose.
  19. vinsegas

    Affiliate Banner and Infrastructure Changes

    No worries about the ads(if you can call it that). Thanks for your hard work in maintaining this site. You all are amazing!