quick rant ab how manga is treated

Jan 23, 2021
Why do people vote ones for seemingly no reason? Some series, are just filled w ones, and they aren't even bad. I even see ones for series' that haven't even been released yet. Is this a toxicity thing? Groups having wars with other groups? People voting this series' one because they didn't share the same opinion as them? it's stupidly childish, and quite stupid. thanks for coming to my ted talk
Jan 4, 2021
Not everyone cares about the average rating, and thus rate things based on their own personal preference. Hell you could even be edgy and use 1 for 10 and 10 for 1.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
> Why do people vote ones for seemingly no reason?
If you don't understand or don't know my reasons doesn't mean there's none.

> Some series, are just filled w ones, and they aren't even bad.
Aren't bad? Who said? Is there ISO standard that defines how manga should be judged?

> I even see ones for series' that haven't even been released yet.
So what? Even if it wasn't released yet there always something (author/tags/previews/whatever) that allows to judge it.
If I don't like theme "Z" do you honestly believe I would rank 10/10 something from that theme just because it wasn't released yet?

> People voting this series' one because they didn't share the same opinion as them?
LOL. Ranks is all about opinions. You didn't know? More news at 11!

> it's stupidly childish, and quite stupid.
It's quite childish and stupid to call someone else childish and stupid just because you don't understand them or don't share their opinion.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 4, 2018
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Some people just rate based on "yes/no" or "like/dislike". It's extreme (and inaccurate for a site that only uses a 1-10 scale), yeah, but it's whatevs.

The manga ratings it actually affects are usually ones with some kind of polarizing events/themes, which lead to people reactionarily spamming 1's.
Active member
Apr 2, 2019
Manga ratings are inflated both on the high scores and in the low scores.
Most of the people dont want to think much in what score they give to a manga. So if they like it they give it a 8 or a 9, if they dont like it they give it a 2 or a 3. It is as simple as that.
This issue had been asked multiple times on the forums, and devs have always replied the same, most of the people only give really good scores or really bad scores, no in between. So you end with meaningless ratings.
Aug 7, 2019
to be fair the same happens in reverse, I see series that have 10's that seem no where near the quality to deserve a 10. It's more about failings of the rating system then anything else.

As to the hasn't been released yet, are you sure they haven't read it? They may have read it in a different language, they may have read it elsewhere. I have read some manga on other sites that haven't been posted here yet or are ahead of here.

Ratings are incredibly individual. For some it is completely, did I like it or not and then how much. For others they try to base it on quality of writing and not how much they like it. For me, I don't rate, but I would try to judge it on a mix of did how much I liked it and the quality of the writing. And finally some yes, some people are just trying to be jerks and give a manga a 1 or a 10.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2019
saying rating is stupid is almost similar to saying free will is stupid, which i agree. nobody should be able to think for themselves, opinion should be illegal, breads should be free, and everybody should surrender their mind and soul to our Ducklord.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 28, 2018
Is an NPC thing, you know.

Did This manga make you feel good?
- yep, yep 😋
- no! get that shit out of my sight 😡
That's the programming, nothing in between, and who knows, maybe, in the future, those would be the only actions to qualify.
Aug 20, 2020
"Thanks for coming to my ted talk" works surprisingly well as a way to complete a rant.
Concerning everything else, people can choose to vote ones if they want but it does kinda show they're only seeing the worst in the manga.
Everyone has a preference after all, even if it's clearly based and wrong.

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