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  1. M2Z

    Clover Under My Feet - Ch. 17

    That escalated quickly 😱 Tq for the translation!
  2. M2Z

    Clover Under My Feet - Ch. 16

    @ikosyndrome welcomee 🌟
  3. M2Z

    Clover Under My Feet - Ch. 16

    Tq for the translation!!! I'm very glad being able to read this webtoon QwQ *sniff* keep up your good work n don't stress yourself out! :D
  4. M2Z

    Together with Shinsun - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    She'll be damn if he knew she was just lip-synching 😂😂😂 Enjoying this story so far, tq for update!
  5. M2Z

    The Fantasie of a Stepmother - Vol. 1 Ch. 40 - Christmas (7)

    The arts are just *cheff kiss* Its beyond BEAUTIFULLL Oh no! Don't you ever Shuli, don't fall for that sly Prince X'C Tq for the update!
  6. M2Z

    Koroshi Ai - Vol. 9 Ch. 52 - Pity

    Tq so muchhhhhh 😍😍😍
  7. M2Z

    Villains Are Destined to Die - Vol. 1 Ch. 22

    Wish she could help the other slaves too but Iklies is priority now so get him out Penelope T_T
  8. M2Z

    Clover Under My Feet - Ch. 14

    Ok2 soooo from what I understand here, sorry if there's mistake 1)June doesn't seem to like Mei befriending with Unnie ( I guess but why avoiding her tho???) 2)unnie is veryyy protective over Mei 3) Jung (?) wanna imitates June ( attention seeker ??) Wow I like how things are going rn OwO...
  9. M2Z

    The Savior's Book Café in Another World - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    I think I may get diabetes bc of these two 🥺 ahh isn't there other manga with this type of ml too? Tq for translations!
  10. M2Z

    Clover Under My Feet - Ch. 13

    I wonder if June avoiding Mei intentionally or with concrete reason :( Either way hope their relationship won't be sinking Cat Unnie PLS be a nice person & keep on being one (well in her own way) TwT
  11. M2Z

    Tales of Reincarnation in Maydare - Vol. 2 Ch. 5

    Fate is so cruel to them! Hopefully these two got their beautiful end together QwQ
  12. M2Z

    Clover Under My Feet - Ch. 12

    @Multitules me too, liking the cat girl so far, hopefully they get along well and also yea what's up with June :v
  13. M2Z

    Clover Under My Feet - Ch. 11

    Is it me or June is avoiding(?) Mei Han? And rabbit Unnie you can't do this to Mei Han TT_TT She need moral support now but it's okay I'll wait till next chapter! Tq for the translation!!!
  14. M2Z

    Crimson Karma - Ch. 38

    Is it wrong to ship Kasia with the archmage? They look cute together 🥺
  15. M2Z

    The Fantasie of a Stepmother - Vol. 1 Ch. 39 - Christmas (6)

    Glad to see Nora's mother finally starting to understand him *phew Baby steps I guess :) You know what? From this point on I don't really care if Shuli have a ML or not 😂 but I don't mind if she will unless it is NOT the Prince :v
  16. M2Z

    Just Leave Me Be - Vol. 1 Ch. 10

    @Odina21 @Kuroku2 Glad they finally met again & thanks XD
  17. M2Z

    Just Leave Me Be - Vol. 1 Ch. 10

    Waitttt her marriage partner for three years-sorry might be wrong but is he the person she's getting married to before dying? Its been a while since I read this Btw tq for the translation! Liking this story so far :D
  18. M2Z

    Miss Not-So Sidekick - Ch. 109

    You MEAN cliffhanger!!! I wanna read moreeee Thanks for the translation qwq💕
  19. M2Z

    My Life as an Internet Novel - Vol. 2 Ch. 62

    @KayleneP totally agree 😔👍