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  1. M2Z

    This Is an Obvious Fraudulent Marriage - Ch. 45

    I-I don't know what to feel rn...
  2. M2Z

    Koroshi Ai - Vol. 9 Ch. 48 - Lineage

    Rangha you better get your girl back QwQ
  3. M2Z

    Koushaku Reijou no Tashinami - Vol. 7 Ch. 52

    I don't often read politics stuff manga but this one I give it a pass UwU Thanks for the translation!
  4. M2Z

    Strange and Beautiful - Vol. 2 Ch. 77 - Season 2 Chapter 29

    Thank you for the chapter! 💕 Oh my, I feel bad for her father :( basically he'll lost two daughters if they didn't return.. Honestly I want her & her sister to go back to their world 😔
  5. M2Z

    A Common Story of a Lady's New Life - Vol. 1 Ch. 16

    Victor kinda looks similar to Serenia's friend, brown haired, yellow eyes~ UwU I ship these two
  6. M2Z

    Shiro Ari - Vol. 8 Ch. 52 - Fake

    Waitttt so for all this time the Alice we knew is not real??? HUHHH??? CONFUSION INTENSIFIES
  7. M2Z


    Tq for translating >w< Looking forward for more!
  8. M2Z


    Being considerate it seems 😏 TQ For translating ><
  9. M2Z

    Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun - Vol. 14 Ch. 66 - Sumire

    OMG!!! I LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!! SO MANY HANAKOXNENE INTERACTIONS >w<) /// Sooo it's true that Tsukasa IS Hanako's yorishiro? Since no 6's yorishiro is Sumire andd every yorishiro had those black charm attached to them OwO) // tq so muchhhh for the translation!!! Can't wait for the next one!
  10. M2Z

    Black Winter - Ch. 15

    I'm pretty sure she's alone in the previous episode then how did he? I need more episodes to understand thisss QwQ btw thank you for the translation!
  11. M2Z

    Tales of Reincarnation in Maydare - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    Does those earrings are the one that she's wearing in the cover? If it is then that's cuteee🥺
  12. M2Z

    Your Throne - Vol. 1 Ch. 18 - Check!

    How refreshing ~ Now kill the Prince!
  13. M2Z


    Omg how did I didn't realise that Bourbon is a WOMAN hayhshshsh No wonder she's always blushing back then with the Prince! Does Prince Frederick taking a liking to the author? OwO
  14. M2Z

    Dear Future You - Vol. 1 Ch. 30

    Childhood guy go awayyyy
  15. M2Z

    The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess - Ch. 55

    I love you Leslie but rn you make me wanna hit you just a little :D
  16. M2Z

    Koroshi Ai - Vol. 8 Ch. 47 - Torn

    My heart is TORN apart QwQ
  17. M2Z

    Koroshi Ai - Vol. 8 Ch. 47.5 - Special File

    So cuteee🥺
  18. M2Z

    Your Throne - Vol. 1 Ch. 16 - The Real Enemy

    Oh Psyche, you better have a holy magic or anything to cure Medea QwQ I don't wanna see Medea dying! She better get her revenge on Yialos!