An average title, which is to say it's not bad. A solid plot and interesting characters, for the most part, but it's dragged down by the blatant Mary Sue MC and minor aspects being somewhat bland. What makes it look great is comparison with other fantasy manga, a lot of which is basic isekai...
Wow. Garbage hyperformulaic world with idiotic Demon King and stereotypical garbage NPCs, and a sociopathic entitled garbage MC to match. Not sure if the meta story aspect and good art are worth suffering through this title.
It kind of feels like there's a kernel of an interesting idea there, but the author couldn't be bothered to develop it and instead buried it under a pile of lazy gags.
Agreed with everyone unhappy with the mother. The barrier theory is very likely correct, but it actully seems to make it even worse. In addition to hiding the truth about the incident, she was also hiding that there was a legitimate, not irrational reason to stay in that secluded place. The...
Agreed, the concept is interesting, and it started interesting enough, but the execution is godawful. Generic Gary Stu in the world of cardboard NPCs.
I'm not disputing the logic, I'm just saying that one of the characters has a history of acting contrary to logic. And from the meta perspective, is actually more likely to do so.