@FredFriendly Yeah it was Shimura from Haru x Kiyo, i just couldn't take it anymore and dropped it at chapter 25.
When it's gonna get more complicated and that annoying pest is still there, i guess i'll just have to drop this one aswell.
@FredFriendly yeah im getting those vibes from him aswell, if its gonna gradually get worse im just gonna have to drop it, because the manga would be impossible to enjoy. I used to like 1 manga with a tall girl and a short glasses guy, but i dropped that one because it had an extremely annoying...
@kdrakari idk if its only in america where first day of the week is sunday, but in EU and most likely japan aswell first day of the week is Monday, so the day on the most right one on the row is sunday.
Edit: searched it up and i was wrong, sunday is the first day of the week in japan aswell...
@Blackkid121 im pretty sure i just typed in "silver hair blue eyes anime girl" in google and found it there, i dont remember the exact source anymore since its been awhile.