I don't understand why they stopped in the last panels.
Random guy gives them a box containing a head, they get mad and even unsheathe the sword, but then 0.1seconds later they look like they saw an alien and stop.
What the fuck happened offscreen?
"Arch enemy"... yeah lmao, he didn't give a shit about you, it's just that she happens to be a very hateful person who finds excuses to kill everything that moves.
Bad, bad spider.
@axilr i don't know much about jap language but how exactly can names change this much? I can understand W<-->V or L<-->R or some other small pronunciations misunderstandings, but how does for example Nephilim become Nebulim? PHI and BU don't sound alike at all.
At this point I'm just waiting for the chapter where the bunny dumps this stupid 3/4 wolf because he has become too ugly...
How many more scars is he going to get?
How many more bullet holes?
Will he lose other pieces of his body as well, or is an ear piece enough?
Quindi avevo ragione a metà. Non era per la divisa ma perchè erano andate in 2 sul motorino (credevo perchè minorenni), non immaginavo però che sul regolamento scolastico ci fosse proprio scritto quella roba, pensavo fosse una misura contro una qualsiasi violazione di legge.
Paese che vai....
I know Legosi won't die here, but he would have totally deserved it.
Hope horse-kun beats the shit out of him instead of rescuing him. Retarded 3/4wolf.