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  1. Boots

    I Turned off the Pain Perception Setting! - Ch. 40

    Thanks for the translation! I think we are finally getting somewhere, it's just going very, very slowly... We're "only 40 chapters in" but I think we could've been told the same amount of information in half that. I'm reminded of my comment from almost half a year ago: My feelings are...
  2. Boots

    Jimoto no Ijimekko-tachi ni Shikaeshi Shiyou to Shitara, Betsu no Tatakai ga Hajimatta. - Ch. 46.2 - The battle of two begins

    The scanlator's preview for the next piece of the chapter straight up shows the classic confession misinterpretation. Do you really think communication is going to improve between these idiots any time soon?
  3. Boots

    S-Kyuu Boukensha ga Ayumu Michi: Tsuihou Sareta Shounen wa Shin no Nouryoku 'Buki Master' de Sekai Saikyou ni Itaru - Ch. 3.2

    Right, the holes we see punched through the monsters in chapter 2.1 would suggest that no matter what weapon he's using it's probably got some higher firepower than the IRL weapons. And if that's the case I don't see why he'd need to spray so many bullets on every target he comes across to the...
  4. Boots

    S-Kyuu Boukensha ga Ayumu Michi: Tsuihou Sareta Shounen wa Shin no Nouryoku 'Buki Master' de Sekai Saikyou ni Itaru - Ch. 3.2

    Gonna say I feel pretty vindicated on this one, dude has both a Desert Eagle and a Winchester as options, and somehow is still having trouble NOT turning monsters into swiss cheese. Just aim for a vital point and you get to keep the rest of the corpse for materials, I don't see why a "Master" is...
  5. Boots

    S-Kyuu Boukensha ga Ayumu Michi: Tsuihou Sareta Shounen wa Shin no Nouryoku 'Buki Master' de Sekai Saikyou ni Itaru - Ch. 2.1

    Probably, but based on the fact that the monsters are swiss cheese and not a pile of guts I assume he's managed to find something other than just the grenade launcher at some point across the 2 year timeskip - something capable of punching those holes. Even if it's a really powerful and unwieldy...
  6. Boots

    S-Kyuu Boukensha ga Ayumu Michi: Tsuihou Sareta Shounen wa Shin no Nouryoku 'Buki Master' de Sekai Saikyou ni Itaru - Ch. 2.1

    "You could get some great materials if you kill them more cleanly, you know" "With my blessing... you know that's impossible" Based on the picture of the swiss cheese monsters I'd assume he has more than just explosives, yeah? Pretty sure there'd be plenty of materials you could still harvest...
  7. Boots

    Dark Summoner to Dekiteiru - Vol. 4 Ch. 47

    Was... was the imp about to tell a story that's just Rapunzel but with sagging boobs?
  8. Boots

    Tanaka no Isekai Nariagari - Vol. 3 Ch. 16 - Toward the Next Battle

    Here I thought we'd get at least another volume or two of the same mindless ambling around with all sorts of fights and other events that somehow collectively feel like nothing has happened and nobody has learned anything or changed in any meaningful way. Thanks for the mercy of cutting it...
  9. Boots

    Aragae! Dark Elf-chan - Ch. 41

    Well that was definitely an ending, one of the endings of all time. This isn't all that surprising to me, we've had 40 chapters and I feel like not all that much has happened that couldn't have been done in half that or less.
  10. Boots

    Isekai Furin ll ~Michibika Reshi Hitodzuma Tachi to Bukiyo Tensei Yuusha~ - Ch. 65 - Denied!! [CENSORED]

    Yeah ultimately this is the real problem with the story the way it's laid out. Let's look at some of our possible options (in no particular order): Option 1: Husbands are "bad" and the wives stick with the hero. Option 2: The husbands are "good" but the wives stick with the hero anyways...
  11. Boots

    Isekai Furin ll ~Michibika Reshi Hitodzuma Tachi to Bukiyo Tensei Yuusha~ - Ch. 65 - Denied!! [CENSORED]

    It's not the hero himself that's satisfying the wives, the work is being done by the married woman charm (curse) that would certainly be removed once the hero's adventure is over. Sure the wives still like the hero as a person, but they have demonstrated again and again that even with this...
  12. Boots

    Ichi the Witch - Ch. 5 - Shirabedonna, the Analytic Witch

    ??? Shirabedonna the analysis witch shows up upside-down with a prominent hourglass figure, if that's who you're talking about then I have no idea how you can see that as a man The assistant witches from the research club are all ladies Master Manigold is clearly a woman, and her assistant is...
  13. Boots

    Momose Akira no Hatsukoi Hatan-chuu. - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Baking Up Love!

    It's always nice when the friends approve of the new boyfriend(-to-be)
  14. Boots

    Top 1 Fighting Tutoring - Ch. 11

    The idea of a "Bully Union" is so goddamn funny. I'm sure it's more like an alliance than a workers' union, but the image is just silly.
  15. Boots

    Potion wa 160 km/h de Nageru Mono! ~Item-gakari no Ore ga Bannou Kaifukuyaku o Touteki suru Koto de Saikyou no Boukensha ni Nariagaru!?~ @COMIC - Vol…

    Well now I feel stupid writing about poison and paralysis potions in a previous chapter, when this time he's straight up got an EXPLOSIVE POTION. Why did everyone in his old party (including the MC himself) think that he had no offensive capabilities??? He's got bombs! This isn't even like...
  16. Boots

    Potion wa 160 km/h de Nageru Mono! ~Item-gakari no Ore ga Bannou Kaifukuyaku o Touteki suru Koto de Saikyou no Boukensha ni Nariagaru!?~ @COMIC - Vol…

    So assuming it wasn't just completely a bluff, MC mentions both a poison and paralysis "potion"... Even putting aside how silly it is that these bottles appear to be indestructible when he launches them at a monster's head for raw damage, he never once considered tossing these potions at enemies...
  17. Boots

    Kanojo no Sore ni Yarareteru - Vol. 2 Ch. 32
  18. Boots

    Kanojo no Sore ni Yarareteru - Vol. 2 Ch. 32

    On one hand I'm a little disappointed, but on the other this is pretty much what I expected and highlights exactly why this series got axed in the first place - nothing has happened since the very first chapter. There is absolutely nothing I could tell you about any of these characters that I...
  19. Boots

    Gomi Ika da to Tsuihousareta Shounin, Jitsu wa Zensei Kenja Desu ~Shijou Saikyou no Kenja, Sekai Saikou Hou no Gakuen ni Kayou~ - Vol. 1 Ch. 4.1 - Th…

    I understand that he's just an arrogant prick and we aren't supposed to think about him all that much, but doesn't it seem silly that he's using the same "throw a fireball" strat as he did in the first chapter? The one that did absolutely nothing?
  20. Boots

    I Turned off the Pain Perception Setting! - Ch. 13

    I just wrote in the last chapter's comment thread that we're just sitting around waiting for the actual story to start, and here we are. We'll have to see if this actually goes somewhere, or if it's ignored for another six chapters or so like last time... I'm still a bit confused about the...