OH. MY. GOODNESS. THE FEELING THAT JUST SWEPT THROUGH MY BODY AT THAT LAST SCENE. I've always adored this manga for showing a consistent growth in all of the characters. It's so moving to witness ;_; they're all such good kids
@opcleaver0 yes! Thank you I read it! I was hoping we'd get a backstory w zero. It'll be interesting when they dive into her OG world and what led her to this job she has now
YAY HE GOT IT BACK! Not that I didn't appreciate Nine he was a cutie too but man am I happy for him to finally voice his thoughts! I'm hoping he puts it to good use to romance the hell out of Melissa haha
LMAO I'M SORRY WHAT 😂from everything leading up to now I was NOT expecting that. Damn I was expecting this story to be all fluff (pun intended) guess I was wrong lol
They're so cute I swear 😆 I'm so proud of Ebony 😢 seems like just yesterday we were seeing her living as a shadow of herself. Now look at her! I love that she's showing more emotions