This is an inconceivable masterpiece of fiction. Everything about it shook me to my core. A perfect gem reflecting the very height of civilization.
Art is done now. Anything that follows would just be shallow and derivative.
God bless this author.
It gets better as it goes on.
The premise that you can lose your sense of taste because of stress was a bit of a stretch for me. Fortunately it doesn't remain a central theme forever.
Oh wow. The latest edge lord arc was so terrible. It made me physically ill. My new rating for this series is 3/10.
That puts it at the same level as the slimy goo that builds up at the bottom of a dumpster.
This is absolutely terrible. It's just bad bad bad awful writing.
I was generally enjoying this story before this arc, but this is like -6 to whatever rating I gave it before.
I pray to all the gods and goddesses that this travesty of a plot arc ends quickly.
Actually, I keep getting reactions and comments on my post. That draws me back. Plus I feel like there is a moral imperative to speak out against things that are horrible.
You are close minded and want to defend your sad fantasy of slavery, but there are a lot of people out there who are simply...
This is a dramatized version of how autistic folks view neurotypical social hierarchy games.
You people are insane.
That's said, this is horrifically unpleasant to read. It gives me the ick on every level.
Slavery isn't fiction my dude.
It's real, is worldwide, and it's horrible.
Romanticizing it super fucked up.
Defending it says a lot about what kind of values one must hold.