@Sau-Pau @Salfaro @RWorld
In chapter 25 he was told to name himself such by the elves via a messenger bird because having an affiliation would go a long way.
Though I don’t remember apparently I was teased relentlessly by my classmates for believing and in tears demanded my mom tell me If he’s real or not. I was in kindergarten....
@xxxsrhxxx @Soundwave14
If you really want to know the outcome, here it is.
Was kind of hoping it went in a different direction. I mean looking at the book was supposed to drive a person crazy she could have just said the villianess killed herself (her personality) by looking at the book because though she hated her sister for robbing her fiancé she couldn’t go through...
@oukamihalf @GuildMasterJin
I think the crest was meant to further display his upright character. It’s easy to imagine the very idea of enslaving criminals was just an excuse to fulfill their lust and so calling it something else doesn’t change what it really is. Only a few people like Kane...
Unfortunately I think it really is Japanese ethics. Reading the latest chapter of No Youna was worse. A little kid quite obviously suffers from neglect and what’s the mc’s reaction “it’s not my business”
If it becomes a harem it’ll only be superficial with him acting The whole time. If somehow it manages to becoming a true harem, knowing his true self and everything then I doubt it’ll be generic. Maybe it’ll be like that one manga about the guy attracting a murder, stalker, yandere...
I was kind of hoping she’d turn it around to prove she was lying and did it herself, like say if I did do it I’d aim for the face or something, but that was good I guess.
@Izunia actually light magic girl will
(possibly in the next chapter)
@PhoenixDen I recommend just reading the raws through machine translation, it’s surprisingly an easy read.
I was disappointed with the way the chapter showed her full power in the novel it eclipsed the sun bringing...
Found raws for whoever’s interested. From there it’ll lead to the reader, unfortunately they don’t have the first part of chapter 6 but everything else after to the latest chapter.
Maybe I’m way off but when she listened in on the neighbor and her friend talking it felt like she was making fun of her somehow, though I can’t really put my finger on why.
@Askorti while that makes sense I think she might be just as messed up. I noticed she was the one that hit first and he pushed her away, true what he did caused more damage but he chose to push her rather then slap her like she did.
I’m pretty sure he didn’t, I think he’s referring to how she already gave up in the prince. So before she finds someone else he’ll step in. At least that’s how I took it.
@Veny @Nekolyn @CronosusCZ
I found it here but don’t know if it’s machine translation or something else. Since it wasn’t on novelupdates there must be something wrong with it.
Nearly 300 chapters
Based on how the previous saints have been described I can’t say I’m too surprised they are viewed as parasites. They seemed so fragile and delicate with how they were frightened of other races without trying to get to know them for their entire lifetimes or being unable to fly to other...
@feha it’s surprisingly machine translation friendly. Aside from a word or two, like he/she since they tend to use gender less pronouns, I can follow the story fine.
Agreed, It’s so refreshingly cute seeing them fight and connect, basically being a family. I kind of want to see a slice of life family life without the inevitable love Hijinks now.