Oh, im fully on board with tightening laws on age gap relationships too. In fact, that was a big part of my thesis for a paper i just wrote in english class. Because of how our brains form and what parts we use at different ages, i believe the age at which one is legally considered an adult...
If she's living off sugar and bread she's gonna have health problems regardless of if she gains weight or not.
People put far too much focus on the weight aspect of health. Sure, it can be an indicator of health problems, but weight and health are not the same thing.
@Hacete That depends. I accidentally started with the first episode of Railgun's 2nd season, which ended up being the entire reason I continued watching that show.
The first episode of the 2nd season did a really good job of showing what the show was capable of, while the first episode of the...
@encrypted12345 Not even including parent/child incest, which should be obvious why it could cause psychological problems, even sibling incest has a VERY prevalent issue with it: grooming.
The actual idea of incest in a hypothetical setting may have nothing wrong other than the genetic issue...
I'm still on team Poly ending, so more time with Rumiko is great with me, seeing as she needs all the help she can get to bring her to the level of the character the manga is named after.
The only reason I'm not salty that this is getting animated over something that is actually good is that it's most likely going to be really short episodes, and the studio that's making it probably wouldn't/couldn't do a full length series, so eh.
It's free real estate.
@Gridlite I.. huh? What? Dude, he just wants to make friends among his classmates, and have the ability to have a normal conversation with the guy who's going to constantly be around him, instead of just having the guard silently following him. I'd say that's a pretty normal thing to want.