Fuck i am really into this story.
I may be evil since i love all this emotional drama between the MC and his parents, the maid, his peers.
Can wait for the bomb which is the name of his teacher/mentor.
Funny how the evil demon king is more a father figure than his father, the mankind hero XD
Finally a chapter \o/
Pity the reunion was only 1 image.
thanks for translation and PLEASE DO NOT STOP
Better read something than no new chapters to read and get what is going on.
I tried to translate raw mangas with google lens, result it sucked so bad that i got more confused than...
that would be scarier. mindless zombies and dumb and after you get their behavior down, they became easier to deal with, the only problem is the amount. Now a intelligent zombie is another story since it breaks your expectations of its behavior
@BzzBzz I dont think if its the case. But it is too soon to start making assumptions on the logic of the curse/justu. I believe that it isn already permanent, the cat demon wanted to curse him, and it did. so it is already a curse. killing the demon will not make the justsu into curse since it...
good potential, but rpg skill like logic ruins it for me. It could be written without the game system like:
"MC study and have knowledge about it from is past life and prince. finds out that there are good itens hidden in the island cave, while the remaining part of island doesnt show promise...
Thank you very much for the translation. I had lost hope of this being translated... I tried to read with Google lens and let's say if was very confusing to get what was being said in the rates text
Thank you very much for translating. It's good to see two chapters release so close.