It really reminded me of that fan edit of chapter 1. I actually had to buy the chapter on K manga just to confirm the scan team wasn't being cheeky pulling a fast one. Crazy how similar Hayase's canon thoughts are to the edit.
Well, I wasn't expecting a christian based visual metaphor but I guess since Christmas was originally a christian holiday it makes since to use it. (Yes I'm aware they stole the holiday from the pagans)
No, I scrolled four fucking pages because I like to read the comments. You just happened to be the only one that annoyed me enough to make a reply. Congratulations, wanker.
There's another one (freshly translated) floating around called "I want to ask - and to be asked" where the art and flow are dead ringers for Norio-sensei's and I've seen a lot of speculation that it was either her or one of her assistants that drew it.
I don't know about the pool bullshit but I could tell you right now if you short out one of those flash capacitors with your hand it is going to fucking hurt. I did that as a kid trying to take one apart and holy shit!!!