ok since he actually knows and is familiar with guildmaster yet another opportunity to come out and say his partymates tried to kill him... man that annoying ass japanese mentality of "oh its prob my fault they tried to harm me" or "oh i dont wanna cause any troubles"
wtf is even going on anymore. pacing all over the place one moment she on a trip and introduces to a new character and hints at fuckn ntr then next ch he just gone and she is back home
yes its marz fault you treated him like shit and tried to kill him when youre entire party relied on him to function. kekw
also alchemist was interested in skill lender marz and not the rest of the party, lets see what she thinks of them if/when she finds out the party kicked him out for her
waow, who coulda figured when he returned everything he could no longer borrow the skills he returned. cant wait for him to make an ass of himself in next ch too
love how author can write characters so stupid they hate on and abuse the dude that is providing them the ability to live.
its absolute trash but thats ok cuz i like trash
why tf is she talking.... yeah dude is kinda a dick but youre a new employee at the company you shouldnt be there harassing a potential newhire.
first thing she says to him is questioning him about not turning in his assignments to school that wont matter anyway because he'd have to quit...
yes because trying to blackmail a head of an organization that can at the very least discredit you and ruin your lively hood (revoking his adventure license and "making up" that he murdered his teamates) throwing him to the authorities, or could just make him disappear altogether...
yeah cuz unleashing a raidboss in a town you work/live in is a good way to get back at someone youre annoyed by...
could think of no lesser punishment then execution for a crime like this
like the manga but i feel like pacing is too fast. way to many characters keep getting introduced so fast that its kinda hard to follow, mc will also do something in previous ch then next ch its never really mentioned again. ex being the magi beasts pets he developed as an experiment that he...
welp melons prob killed her chance by saying eww after that not that she had a chance to begin with. kinda hate it when girls do that in manga (confess and then play it off and insult the dude cuz they are embarrassed) so im looking forward to her face when she realizes she actually likes him...
can find vol 1-14 with this code 374697 in english. as of writing this vol 15, 16, 19, and 20 also have eng TLs.
cant find a TLd vol 17 or 21 and cant find vol 18 in any language