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  1. Turkeyjerkey

    Strong Gale, Mad Dragon

    Now where have I seen this premise before? Oh tight, bloody everywhere.
  2. Turkeyjerkey

    Boushoku-Hi no Ken

    Why does every web novel use mmorpg stats systems? What does the story gain from constantly stopping and breaking the fourth wall with stupid text dumps about stats and ranks? I doubt the author even stopped to think about that question. They just threw one in because everyone else is doing it...
  3. Turkeyjerkey

    Dachi no Imouto - Vol. 1 Ch. 0.01 - Chapter 0 Part 1

    This is why josei is better than shoujo.
  4. Turkeyjerkey

    Natsume Arata no Kekkon - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - A Middle Schooler's Handwriting

    @KeiosKod Happens in real life too. Plenty of known serial killers receive fan mail and several got married while in jail to women they'd never known before going to prison. The women read news about the serial killers, somehow fell in love with them from that, and sought them out in jail. Not...
  5. Turkeyjerkey

    Natsume Arata no Kekkon

    Same author as Yuureitou, a series I have... mixed feelings on. I'll bite.
  6. Turkeyjerkey

    Break Blade - Vol. 18 Ch. 99 - Taking the Lead

    Every now and then I come back to check on this series. Apparently I just like disappointing myself.
  7. Turkeyjerkey

    Break Blade - Vol. 18 Ch. 98 - All-Out Attack

    @Doomroar Yeah, I don't think it qualifies as ntr when they never even confessed to each other and he left her behind to go farm fucking turnips.
  8. Turkeyjerkey

    The Legend of the Ancient Soul

    Wow, a Chinese work that's not a shitty vertical webcomic? I mean, I ain't gonna read it but I still applaud it for that.
  9. Turkeyjerkey

    Kissmanga has kissed goodbye to their servers: Refugees welcome!

    Hey, remember how Kissmanga was completely infested with ads and malware? And how when you used an adblocker to protect yourself it pretended to be "down for maintenance" and ip banned you? Good times.
  10. Turkeyjerkey

    Pashiri na Boku to Koisuru Banchou-san - Vol. 6 Ch. 66

    @TheGodEmperor Authors don't know how to write actual relationships and make them interesting without adding in forced drama or "competition." That's why so many works just end with them finally getting together. Without the tension of the "will they/won't they" phase, lots of authors are just lost.
  11. Turkeyjerkey

    Juujika no Rokunin

    @NoTofu Well paced moments artfully done can leave a much stronger impression than a rushed plot that goes in one ear and out the other. Though honestly, you're not wrong. The current publishing situation in Japan is just not well suited to producing good stories. Anything that doesn't...
  12. Turkeyjerkey

    Juujika no Rokunin

    I understand that the publishing business is brutal and authors have to grab the reader's attention right away, but as a story this would really have benefitted from spreading the events of the first chapter over several chapters. As it is, it feels rushed and doesn't give enough emotional...
  13. Turkeyjerkey


    Killing people off like flies is just gonna highlight how much plot armor the mc has.
  14. Turkeyjerkey

    Kindan Shitei de Breakthrough ~Boy Meets Satan~

    Just more of the same old crap, at least try a little to make something original. Why is creative ambition so rare? Do these author's really have no desire to create something beyond easily digestible fluff?
  15. Turkeyjerkey

    Dear Sa-chan - Ch. 31 - What Comes After Complications

    Why can't people just talk to each other honestly. It's really not that hard. If the wife literally sat down and had one conversation with her husband instead of constantly trying to game him psychologically this could all have been avoided.
  16. Turkeyjerkey

    Toilet no Hanazono-san

    Only 1 ch out right now, and it's chapter 2 instead of 1, but I'm guessing it's something like franken fran. Self contained, episodic, darkly comedic horror shorts. Could be completely wrong about that of course. If it is the case I recommend you go read fran before this.
  17. Turkeyjerkey

    Jagaaaaaan - Vol. 10 Ch. 113 - Their True Identity

    Guy keeps going on about interesting people when he's ironically a very boring villain. He just wants to see "interesting" people. That's it. That's even worse than just wanting to take over the world. At least people who want to take over the world might have some motivation beyond entertaining...
  18. Turkeyjerkey

    Sentou Hakai Gakuen Dangerous

    Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
  19. Turkeyjerkey


    @Akane02 The chapter's full of comparisons between him and her dogs. She sees him as a pet. I imagine the reason she has so many dogs is because she's the control devil and dogs can be completely manipulated into serving their masters. She likes controlling things.
  20. Turkeyjerkey

    Guilty Children

    The characters need work. The mc is very bland with nothing that sticks out or defines his personality. His amnesia is overused, and denies him agency and a strong purpose. Hopefully once he gets his memory back he will develop drive and a personality. The first few chapters are absolutely...