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  1. MangaMonger

    Ushiro no Seki no Gal ni Sukarete Shimatta.: Mou Ore wa Dame Kamoshirenai. - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Chapter 1 (Full)

    I'm feeling some massive Heisei energy from this one. His personality feels designed by the author to ensure that he is too dull for them to ever have a physical relationship beyond brief hand holding.
  2. MangaMonger

    Rai Rai Rai - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Contact

    So, Kiseijuu + probably Kaiju #8. Or maybe in modern times it would be better to compare it to Jujutsu Kaisen instead of Kiseijuu. But the presentation style isn't drawing me in, and the characters don't feel particularly charming or relatable.
  3. MangaMonger

    Tabun Kanojo wa Datsuzei Shiteru - Ch. 1 - This Girl Is Probably Committing Tax Evasion

    And on money earned from making erotic doujinshi? :unsure:
  4. MangaMonger

    Sentai Daishikkaku - Vol. 13 Ch. 118 - Three-Way Battle, Part 20

    Damn, this was a good chapter. A bit cheesy but Angel deserved redemption. She's a kind person and her kindness is finally not being misdirected.
  5. MangaMonger

    Ai ga Omosugiru Cool Kyuuketsuki-chan - Oneshot

    I keep thinking about the fact she has a bandaid on her neck... If it was on his neck, that would make sense, but...
  6. MangaMonger

    Once You Know the True Meanings... - Vol. 1 Ch. 26 - Milk

    The person who said in earlier comments that this manga is like an alternate reality where everyone is stupid nailed it.
  7. MangaMonger

    Once You Know the True Meanings... - Vol. 1 Ch. 25 - Health Methods

    Looks like the mom is indirectly giving herself a Darwin Award here. Hopefully she doesn't have any other kids.
  8. MangaMonger

    Dorei kara no Kitai to Hyouka no sei de Sakushu dekinai no daga - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    Death March was a 1-cour anime that I watched as it aired in 2016. It's nonsensical for anyone to lie about whether they watched it. I didn't try to lawyer-proof my internet comment by replacing "shy" with "shy and/or any other attitude which serves the same purpose in discouraging him from...
  9. MangaMonger

    Dorei kara no Kitai to Hyouka no sei de Sakushu dekinai no daga - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    @xSauriaNx In that case, my memory of Death March was correct. It's obvious that not everyone will look at or try to classify slave harems in the same way. In my view, the concept of a slave harem is an isekai world where slavery is legal, the MC can buy or otherwise come to possess bishoujo...
  10. MangaMonger

    Dorei kara no Kitai to Hyouka no sei de Sakushu dekinai no daga - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    Fun and promising so far. Only thing that bothers me is that I just have a feeling he's going to only have sex near the very end of the novel. Judging from the tags on Kakuyomu and the fact it seems like the LN will probably pass the mostly-stalled WN soon, my expectations for lewdness are low...
  11. MangaMonger

    Danshi dato Omotteita Osananajimi tono Shinkon Seikatsu ga Umaku Ikisugiru Ken ni Tsuite - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    How great a manga can be when the male lead doesn't forget his childhood promises... And the female lead is capable of secretly worrying about their relationship without being an emotional wreck or otherwise ruining things. Looking forward to this just continually gradually having them get to...
  12. MangaMonger

    FPS de Shoshinsha Bokotte Real Fight ni Hattenshita Kekka w - Vol. 2 Ch. 8

    Both this and the latest chapter of "Dungeon Tou de Yadoya wo Yarou" end more or less the same way, with the same girl... (Gram is probably a large part of the reason I instinctively like Strawberry Missile.)
  13. MangaMonger

    Ichinose-ke no Taizai - Vol. 6 Ch. 48 - The Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins

    I knew this was going to go nowhere in particular after about a volume, but well, at least the ending had a proper character focus. If this wasn't in a shounen magazine, maybe it could've at least dialed up the story elements to 11 and had darker twists, but as it stands, the whole story was...
  14. MangaMonger

    Dorei kara no Kitai to Hyouka no sei de Sakushu dekinai no daga - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    I watched 1 cour of the anime, getting further into the story than I did with the WN I dropped years earlier. So it seems like I should know what his slave harem is like, since he basically buys them around episode 2 and spends another ~10 episodes with them. If you're nitpicking the fact the...
  15. MangaMonger

    Sentai Daishikkaku - Vol. 13 Ch. 115 - Angel Usukubo, Age 4

    Okay, looks like Angel is indeed getting her redemption arc here. Sounds good. I wonder if D is going to figure out some way to regenerate himself or power up. I still don't quite get the logic of why he can't "transform" a leg to support himself, either. Anyway, I feel like he could make a...
  16. MangaMonger

    I Thought She Was a Yandere, but Apparently She's Even Worse - Ch. 13

    Another yandere Twitter manga where the further along the relationship gets, the more normal-seeming the girl becomes.
  17. MangaMonger

    My Student Grew Huge and Proposed to Me - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    This is a based manga so far. Incidentally, if the genders were swapped, I'd self-insert as the teacher and probably enjoy it even more. But even just the way it is, it's cute and romantic. (Honestly, in large part it feels fresh exactly because it's not the woman who's changing herself to be...
  18. MangaMonger

    Sentai Daishikkaku - Vol. 13 Ch. 114 - Three-Way Battle, Part 18

    Right here:
  19. MangaMonger

    Green Box - Ch. 5

    I guess the story would have been boring if he just kept pressing the buttons for small countries, huh? Poor Turkey... Though seriously, only 5/85 million people evacuated? I guess that shows the power of propaganda.
  20. MangaMonger

    Sentai Daishikkaku - Vol. 13 Ch. 114 - Three-Way Battle, Part 18

    What a chapter... Status update on a theoretical D bowl: Suzukiri recently took herself out of the running by saying that she wouldn't fight anymore, relegating herself to clone babysitter, and even formally saying goodbye to D. Pink Ranger might've just died, and it's unlikely she'd still be...