I was curious and checked, I think it's an identical/similar looking coat, because the one he cut up is full of blood, and the one she's wearing is pristine
I thought the fake death was smart, but the more I thought about it the more ???? I was
Wouldn't someone think that they were severely wounded, in a rush to escape leaving precious belongings behind, and shed their coats off to throw off their scent?
There's also no trace of any body...
I think it's more like he only eats meat when necessary, vegetarian most of the other times
Edit: He was comparing it to protein powder so maybe he only eats it after a workout
Quite a common mindset to see in asian media. A lot of my friends grew up watching shows with that kind of persistence = love so they seek that kind of relationship which obviously turned out to be quite unhealthy.
Also I feel like she's just genuinely asking why she doesn't like him, rather...
Ikr? If it was hairspray, that amount of hairspray must be such a hassle to wash off daily, plus imagine the risk of being found out at school if he happened to miss a spot :pacman: A wig would be so much more convenient, put on, take off
She is in the imperial court, hired by Jinshi/Renshi as a maidservant, which is a role that doesn't require passing the exam for.
Right before the confrontation, it was mentioned that the women who pass the exam are deemed the most intelligent and have the highest self esteem, so they don't...