Care to elaborate on that? I think is pretty common for authors to change their minds about the story's development, some even lie about them in order to surprise the readers. While that might upset some fans what I want to read is the story as told by the author not as told by the...
Oh man, there wasn't even a kiss. Why deny even that? Sure maybe Aika wasn't that good of a character but I honestly don't see why all the hate. The story was certainly trash but I still can't help but hate the fanbase for killing this series.
I fully support his Dad's idea, he already screwed his chances of having a healthy relationship with a real person because he wanted to keep ghost gf around, he'll only hurt more people through his life if he stays like that.
Oh man, axed? I was really enjoying every chapter and apparently was the only one happy with an Aika ending and looking forward to the manga version. Guess I'll have to thank the haters for that.
It says "just two chapter to the final chapter" but it ends with "a central colour page for the final chapter" so how does this work? the next chapter is the last one or we still have two chapters left. (I don't want this to end so soon)