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  1. Purplelibraryguy

    Long-Awaited Feelings - Ch. 43 - Is that really what you think of me?

    Hey, that's showbiz. If she doesn't do the maneuvers, the other sharks will eat her up. About the best you can do is what she's doing: Subordinating the spin to what she really wants, instead of the other way around.
  2. Purplelibraryguy

    Saraba, Yoki Hi - Vol. 8 Ch. 33

    It does though. I mean, that was always the question--were they going to do that and damn the torpedoes, or were they going to back away and say "No, that would be crazy and against all of society". Up to that point yes, they'd already been sorta doing something a bit like that, but with...
  3. Purplelibraryguy

    Nukoduke! - Vol. 10 Ch. 247

    Seeing Nukos heals me.
  4. Purplelibraryguy

    Koi de are, Koi de are, Koi de are - Vol. 2 Ch. 12

    Re: Her thoughts at the end of the chapter: Yeah, like that ever works.
  5. Purplelibraryguy

    Yamada to Kase-san. - Ch. 35 - Moving and Kase-san (part 1)

    You haven't read that much GL have you? Trust me, some of the vintage stuff had levels of stupid over 9000. Even in current stuff . . . consider Whisper Me a Love Song, and that . . . can you even call it an "arc" when the most annoying character in the manga throws a wrench in the main love...
  6. Purplelibraryguy

    Yankee-kun to Hakujou Gaaru - Vol. 8 Ch. 123 - That Kind of Love ①

    I really like the values of this manga.
  7. Purplelibraryguy

    Hogushite, Yui-san - Ch. 30

    My, my! Lewd handholding in a locked storage room!
  8. Purplelibraryguy

    Addicted to Her - Ch. 35 - I Want To See You

    Not as such, I don't think. Aren't we scheduled for the progress to be derailed by some paparazzi photo/s of the two of them? But it was nice to have this moment of positive before the stuff hits the fan.
  9. Purplelibraryguy

    Akatsuki no Yona - Ch. 251 - Divide

    Hypocrisy is not an ideology, let alone a radical one. Neither is disloyalty, neither is grasping for power. I think I may agree with what you're thinking in your head, but what you're typing doesn't mean what you're trying to get across. But what you're typing does mean something, and the...
  10. Purplelibraryguy

    March Comes in Like a Lion - Ch. 205

    You know, I feel like there's an extra layer of happiness in this fluffy vanilla, because these people earned it--they went through some bad shit, they helped each other through it, our hearts squoze for their pain and perseverance, and so it makes me extra happy to see them living the good life.
  11. Purplelibraryguy

    The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses - Vol. 12 Ch. 106

    Wholesome, sweet, I love them to bits, but at the same time there was a part of me saying "You're officially in love, you're on a date, you're lying together under the trees, put your arm around her you dork!"
  12. Purplelibraryguy

    Kawaii Joushi wo Komarasetai - Vol. 6 Ch. 74

    I hope they don't just bail on this after a little tease.
  13. Purplelibraryguy

    Mercenary Enrollment - Ch. 164

    Allll those people as yet have no idea that they've fucked up. Kind of nice to go back to some basic hand to hand ultra-violence.
  14. Purplelibraryguy

    Akatsuki no Yona - Ch. 251 - Divide

    Excuse me? Those guys are neither radicals nor extremists. To the contrary, they're the establishment . . . the CIA, the Secret Service, like that. And it's that kind of establishment type that usually chooses destruction over peace.
  15. Purplelibraryguy

    Akatsuki no Yona - Ch. 251 - Divide

    Well, well . . . someone thinks they can be the Praetorian Guard and pick who gets to be the king. Someone's about to find out different.
  16. Purplelibraryguy

    Chichi Chichi - Vol. 6 Ch. 92

    First world problems.
  17. Purplelibraryguy

    Nukoduke! - Vol. 10 Ch. 245

    Cute nukos to heal my heart.
  18. Purplelibraryguy

    Haitatsusaki no Onee-san ga Kowa Sugiru - Vol. 1 Ch. 7

    No, no! It's a misunderstanding! (he says) She's not my girlfirend yet!
  19. Purplelibraryguy

    When I Returned to My Hometown, My Childhood Friend was Broken - Ch. 50.11 - Volume Extra 2

    Or, OMG, what if there was an isekai where the MC tried to introduce modern food and technologies but everyone hated them and it was a flop?