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  1. volodyuka

    Golden Kamuy - Vol. 18 Ch. 178 - Revolutionaries

    @Kathartes No, regular security will just guard the target, like cossacks, who were tsar's "okhrana", but "okhranka" (or how it was officially called in short form "Okhrannoye Otdeleniye", lit. translation "Guard Department") was secrete service. They enlist provocateurs from parties, tried to...
  2. volodyuka

    Golden Kamuy - Vol. 18 Ch. 178 - Revolutionaries

    @Kathartes "Okhrana" really means guard, used for any generic security, guys who used it are a bit wrong (speaking as russian), also "Tsarskaya Okhranka" is the name of secret service (which was never really that secret). People usually just called it as "Okhranka" (which is diminutive form of...
  3. volodyuka

    Golden Kamuy - Vol. 17 Ch. 163 - Wanted Poster

    Ok, so Alexander II was killed by the actions of Gribovitsky and Rysakov, who indeed tried to throw a bomb and failed. Bomb supposed to fell under carriage and, frankly I don't remember how things go awry, but bomb exploded behind the carriage, tsar was a-ok. Yet, probably in hubris, despite the...
  4. volodyuka

    Golden Kamuy - Vol. 16 Ch. 160 - National Borders

    Yeah, but "narodovolci", members of "narodnaya volya" (here translated as people's will), were quite naive and not in any way well organised, yet they acted in the time, when terrorist strikes were almost none existent (they pretty much were the first terrorists in modern sense of the word), and...
  5. volodyuka

    Golden Kamuy

    So I am started reading this manga and got to 100th chapter, all in all it's quite a good piece except it has usual misconception about situation in Russian Empire at that time. First thing is, there were zero to none revolutionary movements on far east, as it was scarcely populated and mainly...