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  1. telefonevoador

    NoTR - Ch. 5.1 - The night before the date

    Author failed successfully, hahaha
  2. telefonevoador

    NoTR - Ch. 5 - It's A Date

    A man stares at the BIG PANTHER, the BIG PANTHER stares right back.
  3. telefonevoador

    NoTR - Ch. 4 - That's right

    It starts with... ONE DATE
  4. telefonevoador

    NoTR - Ch. 0.3 - Rough Character Setting And First Contact (?)

    Imagine if you discovered that God has specifically referred to you when talking to angels and seraphins that you are NOT HANDSOME.... And that that information is very important? Hahaha
  5. telefonevoador

    Houkago Kitaku Biyori - Ch. 29 - Let's Ride a Bike

    The romanciest of chapters :wooow: Wait a second, Japan has laws against riding a bike in double?! Geez... I know, I know, cultural differences and whatnot... But... Geez.
  6. telefonevoador

    Ogami Tsumiki to Kinichijou - Ch. 27 - Hebizono-san e o Espelho

    O ship veio forte Mas também, os personagens secundários mais top da série inteira
  7. telefonevoador

    It’s Time to Change the Genre - Ch. 105

    Judith backstory, let's go brothers
  8. telefonevoador

    Nigasanai yo? Fukuroji-kun - Ch. 2.2 - We finally meet...

    I really like the nurse character, with her hobby I don't understand
  9. telefonevoador

    Momose Akira no Hatsukoi Hatan-chuu. - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Baking Up Love!

    Ikr All chapters have the funny "countryside-David Attenborough-archaeologist intro" bit that starts the chapter The Simpsons-style and I love 'em, but this one just.... Whaa? :pacman: :worry:
  10. telefonevoador

    SPY×FAMILY - Ch. 105.5

    Poor Becky, surrounded by superhero women
  11. telefonevoador

    Don't Blush, Sekime-san! - Vol. 3 Ch. 40

    Precisa nem chamar de sogro, já chama logo de pai, irmão, bro hahahahah
  12. telefonevoador

    Don't Blush, Sekime-san! - Vol. 2 Ch. 25

    Parabéns ao autor por representar seladíssimo o comportamento de uma criança tímida FOFURA D+
  13. telefonevoador

    Don't Blush, Sekime-san! - Vol. 2 Ch. 24

    Que FOFURA ela ansiosa enrolando o próprio cabelo awww E também esse traço dá vontade de apertar as bochechas do desenho de tão cute cute
  14. telefonevoador

    The Lecture You Would Never Want Your Parents to Give You - Ch. 43 - Em pouco tempo, o pai mudou drasticamente

    Você pode não gostar de saber disso, mas ESTE é o homem ideal. Valeu pela tradução!
  15. telefonevoador

    No Gyaru in This Class - Ch. 4

    Long live the gals! Isn't it funny how the author draws animals? 😅
  16. telefonevoador

    Skip and Loafer - Vol. 11 Ch. 64 - Steady School Trip, Pt. 2

    Mitsumi out there collecting friends like it's Palworld!
  17. telefonevoador

    Itsuki-kun wa Tadasaretai - Ch. 3.3 - Cap. 3.3

    Acerto CRÍTICO no menino! Obrigado pela tradução
  18. telefonevoador

    Don't Blush, Sekime-san! - Vol. 2 Ch. 15

    Esse Saruvadoru Dari-sensei aí ficou muito bom hahaha