First time in a while where a series shows a lot of potential only to put it all in a sinkhole the second MC meets love interest. Why is everything so painfully slow.
Still wish that Touya would refute obaa-chan and her trash comedy, but that seems to be wishful thinking at best. Massive spine when it comes to danger, spineless when it comes to real conversations.
Thank f the ring bit got cleared real fast. Still waiting for MC to talk back to that obaa-chan and refute all the useless junk coming out of her mouth.
Well that is a lot of flags in one conversation. Shit is about to hit the fan. Also, bird-brain dad, try to use some of that headspace to learn how to not manipulate your own daughter.
So why are you trying to save them with your bare hands and not weapons? You could cut them like butter in seconds or yell at them to let go. HAH. Ah well.
Every single time that idiot is on screen on his own, the quality of this series drops like a rock. There is never any point to reading his text because all it ever amounts to is "yell yell yell why is this happening/why is it like this".
... Well that was a waste. Good first half, second half is pointless only to drag this shit on for another 2 chapters cause this child is just too far gone.