On page 26 "were aal" was supposed to be "were eel" or something like that? Wasn't "eel man" before?
Also, on page 28 "electro-magantic waves" was supposed to be "electro-magnetic waves"?
Typo on page 3(?): sword dish >> sword fish (???? not sure about this one, please check it)
Typo on page 11: recieving >> receiving
Typo on page 12: consierable >> considerable
Typo on page 1: "Led me to this house, a short article in the local newspaper" >> "> short article in the local newspaper led me to this house"
Typo on page 8: "Hitler take Moscow?" >> "Hitler will take Moscow?"
Typo on page 2: "it's current name," >> "its current name,"
Typo on page 3: "domionion" >> "dominion"
On page 10: "I even told you to, and still, nothing! ....". What is referring to?