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  1. Zethuron

    Overgeared - Ch. 20

    You can just keep reading this, its an impressively good adaption so far. And for those interested in the webnovel, this chapter is around chapter 35 in terms of webnovel. And huh, now that i look at it, they also did the pacing good so far.
  2. Zethuron

    Overgeared - Ch. 19

    This already? Were getting to some of the good bits!
  3. Zethuron

    One Punch Man (Webcomic/Original)

    We are simply getting spoiled now, FIVE webcomic releases AND one manga release for OPM in ONE DAY?
  4. Zethuron


    DAT cover, Murata does it again! And no to the last page, its mosquito girl who is!
  5. Zethuron


    This actually looks quite good, being rather faithful to the WN.
  6. Zethuron

    Overgeared - Ch. 6

    Before people go talking about plot armor, its a skill specific to his class (will be explained)
  7. Zethuron

    Overgeared - Ch. 2

    Die indeed Grid, you just never specified who.
  8. Zethuron

    April Fool's Collection 2020 - Ch. 121 - Fumetsu no Anata e

    Knew something was odd the moment i saw another group did this chapter, also skipping chapters (wat)
  9. Zethuron

    Heterogeneous Linguistics

    And another one where the ads have been useful for me!
  10. Zethuron

    April Fool's Collection 2020 - Ch. 111 - Solo Leveling

    Ah, those comments, just great reading them al, and hahaha at those reporting, just wat?
  11. Zethuron

    April Fool's Collection 2020 - Ch. 391 - Hunter x Hunter

    Not this time! the title was a dead giveaway.
  12. Zethuron

    Yotsukoto - Vol. 2 Ch. 16

    Wow, i thought this one to be forgotten, good that it got picked up,
  13. Zethuron

    Asebi and Adventurers of Sky World

    Too bad about the final arc, i really would have liked to see more, instead of what we got.
  14. Zethuron

    Saihate no Paladin - Vol. 5 Ch. 24 - Alone

    A new chapter of this manga is always such a treat! Even if they are like this one... That just hurts reading it, the end made up for it though!
  15. Zethuron

    Henkyou no Roukishi: Bard Loen - Vol. 4 Ch. 18 - Youthful Days

    Thanks for scanlating this manga!
  16. Zethuron

    Radiant - Vol. 13 Ch. 100 - The Conversos

    What a chapter this one is, quite fitting for the 100th. Tooo bad we are now going to wait for the next one, especially with such a damn cliffhanger!
  17. Zethuron

    Radiant - Vol. 13 Ch. 96 - I will not let you go

    Daaaang, this feels like one deeep flashback, That face in the end....
  18. Zethuron


    For those who have just found it and are looking to give it a try, just do it, its so much worth it. The start may be seriously shounen, to an annoying degree, but i recommend to read through until atleast volume 4, the story just gets so much better. Also releases are sort of sporadic, because...
  19. Zethuron

    Radiant - Vol. 13 Ch. 93 - Adriel

    The wait was just worth it, this chapter is just so great! Especially those colour pages were just beautiful.
  20. Zethuron


    Im rather disappointed now.... This all could have been avoided, but the author just had to go on this route.