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  1. TheGTF

    My Clueless First Friend - Vol. 1 Ch. 17

    I don't know why but his mustache shirt makes me smile every time it shows up, like a bizarre equivalent of Saitama's oppai shirt.
  2. TheGTF

    Ookami Shounen wa Kyou mo Uso o Kasaneru - Vol. 4 Ch. 18.5

    @mage_goo because you read it attached to Ch 25, which is where volume 4's tank puts it. I guess it ran as 18.5 when it was in a magazine since even the page numbering is different.
  3. TheGTF

    Sometimes Even Reality Is a Lie! - Vol. 1 Ch. 25 - Inadvertently Becoming Conscious Of The Situation

    @breizh It's balls of tapioca starch put into a sugary, typically whole milk based drink- the calories add up very fast in that combination.
  4. TheGTF

    T-sensei - Vol. 6 Ch. 33 - Different than Expected

    @Oeconomist Duct Tape is equally correct, the cloth backed tape is marketed as both, though the "duck tape" name is these days mainly used by the Duck Brand for their line of utility tapes, which also includes electrical tape, packing tapes, etc. The product was originally called duck tape...
  5. TheGTF

    Naughty Succubus "Saki-chan" - Vol. 2 Ch. 143 - Fell down from the sky

    I remember many years ago people have crunched the math, the childhood friend archetype wins out way more often than people think. It's a case of apples to oranges when compared to "first girl wins" because one is an archetype that revolves around the type of relationship to the protagonist, the...
  6. TheGTF

    Hataraku Kesshouban-chan - Ch. 4 - Don't Call Me 'Baby'!

    @starburst98 , @MarqFJA87 This IP rarely portrays the relative size of the cells straight; if so then Eiosinophil would be bigger than U-1146 when she's depicted shorter than him, she'd be nearly double the Killer T captain's size, and should be nearly three times AE3803's size. Meanwhile...
  7. TheGTF

    Karakai Jouzu no (Moto) Takagi-san

    The detail I love most is that the tank covers for this serial mirror the tank covers for the main series- the locations are mostly the same between each volume and most of the time Takagi is positioned in the same spot.
  8. TheGTF

    Jishou Akuyaku Reijou na Konyakusha no Kansatsu Kiroku - Vol. 3 Ch. 16

    @Kryspy_Kreme To be fair regarding the king not quite being as aged as you expected,
  9. TheGTF

    Houkago Teibou Nisshi - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Moving

    Did anyone notice the plushies in the box Hina has yet to unpack on page 9 were of the main characters from Neko Musume Michikusa Nikki?
  10. TheGTF

    Halloween Event wo Disuru Kareshi - Oneshot

    Found Waldo on page 3
  11. TheGTF

    Sometimes Even Reality Is a Lie! - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - I Send My Gamer Friend Home (1)

    @Lyanhyrt I know right? I don't like accepting there's an entire generation of now teens who would not naturally know what the original Gameboy was, nor its Pocket and Color variations. Heck, there's now preteens who would have missed even the GBA's lifespan. This is a gag that REALLY dates the...
  12. TheGTF

    Dr. Koto Shinryoujo - Vol. 8 Ch. 79 - Dr. Koto is Worried About

    @19012537 Not like I am not aware of that, but it's good for the rest of the class. I'm just saying, people act like hemorrhagic fever is the norm when it's not, severe dengue is a comparatively small percentage of the total cases per year; and dengue runs fairly rampant across mainland Pacific...
  13. TheGTF

    Seitokai Yakuindomo - Ch. 543

    I like how by now Igarashi knows it's not what it sounds like, tells herself that, but still gets swept away by the innuendo anyway.
  14. TheGTF

    Dr. Koto Shinryoujo - Vol. 8 Ch. 79 - Dr. Koto is Worried About

    @LoLyeah Dengue is practically nonexistant in Japan despite sitting next to its hotbed; it was 70 years between their two most recent outbreaks, and even those were of small in scale compared to the rest of the Pacific subtropics. It typically comes in from tourists from the Asian mainland...
  15. TheGTF

    Kemoraifu - Ch. 14 - 131-140 (Twitter)

    Come on publishers, when is Pea-chan getting a serialization? We never knew we how badly we needed that until recently.
  16. TheGTF

    I Fell in Love, so I Tried Livestreaming. - Vol. 1 Ch. 7 - Bathing Communication

    @Nakanowatari It's normally the opposite, Japanese construction tends to be very poorly soundproofed, especially in apartments. That they normally cannot hear each other's livestream shenanigans, especially when one is singing and another is being an overly dramatic hardcore chuuni, would imply...
  17. TheGTF

    Onizuka-chan and Sawarida-kun - Vol. 1 Ch. 8

    @icarushector He's no ordinary pervert. He's a pervert for JUSTICE!
  18. TheGTF

    Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. - Vol. 17 Ch. 224 - Wig

    @ExtraOrder I know right? That was the first thing I noticed. Last time he was in a long skirt as part of a French maid outfit, but now he's bare legged. So Tadano either has barely any body hair- or it's at least incredibly fine- or Setoka shaved him. Either way, the meme has been brought...
  19. TheGTF

    Isekai Izakaya "Gen"

    @hippoanon The implication thus far has been he originally planned to close it completely on his own, not telling anyone. She only found out from a text from her mother, so she's angry he's not communicating anything when she wants to keep the izakaya running. So now he's suddenly saying he...
  20. TheGTF

    Hataraku Kesshouban-chan - Ch. 2 - I Want to Grow Up Soon!

    @Arcara Apparently. From what I can tell, the Ch 26 main series translation floating around the internet erroneously calls that one "Backward cap-kun", but I have seen the raw and even my limited ability can read it clearly says -chan. If there's other context from U1146, Leader...