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  1. Exiled

    Mare Holic Kemolover EX

    I didn't know there were bronies in Japan
  2. Exiled

    KyoAni Gofundme/Donation Drive

    The only place anyone should consider donating money to is a fund set up specifically to benefit the families of the deceased with funeral expenses etc. Sendai may even be well-meaning here but any money you hand to a corporation will by and large go to benefit the major shareholders of that...
  3. Exiled

    shitpost here

    @DANDAN_THE_DANDAN You said shitpost so I gave you a shit post. I mean literally, those were from letters to his wife.
  4. Exiled

    shitpost here

  5. Exiled

    Is tribalism really that bad?

    @ikotsu The notion of Tribalism has certain connotations though when it comes to individuality and independent thought. The more people get onboard with the idea of belonging to a tribe the more susceptible they are to brainwashing and subverting their own better judgment in the name of...
  6. Exiled


    The author of this is a woman. butwhy.jpg
  7. Exiled

    Ao no Haha

    This is certainly an interesting manga, but this translation is a joke. Please either get an editor or a translator who actually knows English.
  8. Exiled

    Anaesthesiologist Hana

    @crazybars I'm not judging based on the manga. I'm judging based on the numerous reports about institutional sexism there. In America and most of the Western world, this kind of thing is...
  9. Exiled

    Anaesthesiologist Hana

    @Isekaijin Huh? I was talking about the depiction of workplace sexual harassment. I don't know anything about Team Medical Dragon, but according to JA wikipedia the author died of liver cancer...
  10. Exiled

    Anaesthesiologist Hana

    For a country at its level of development Japan has an exceptionally sexist society. It probably has a lot to do with the population trending old and conservative. I'm glad this manga has the guts to actually depict stuff like this instead of trying to sweep it under the rug like they do with...
  11. Exiled

    What's up with the term Weeb.

    @DarkFlame It is this. A "Weeaboo" (the origins of the term are both obscure and dumb) is someone who takes their love of anime/manga so far that they become a hardcore Japanophile.
  12. Exiled

    What are the stories behind your username and avatar.

    Labeling oneself as being in self-imposed exile from society and employment sounds cooler than "neet."
  13. Exiled

    The Game Where You Insult the Person Below You but You Do It so Badly that It's Hillarious

    If you're as femme as your avatar I might be ok with it. The person below me wants to live in Japan and is fine with being a second-class citizen doing so because that's how little self-respect they have.
  14. Exiled

    Unpopular opinions

    Naruto/DBZ/One Piece/name-your-popular-shounen are mostly perfectly fine as entertainment for children. The problem is that too many bitter manchildren refuse to accept them for what they are and whine incessantly about how series made for 12 year-olds don't meet a 26-35 year-old's standards of...
  15. Exiled


    Some context for the powder: white or "shyo" is, I believe, slang for meth.
  16. Exiled

    Kekkou Kamen

    Kill la Kill circa 1975