I've seen a lot of stupid plotlines where someone thinks it's a good idea to mess with someone way stronger than them. But this...like; have they lost their goddamn minds? mfer is what, level 99? Do you want to die?
Those first couple of pages making me remember the scene in the novel and aggghhh. This series does things to my tearducts I tell you what.
Welp, the last couple pages got me too. Son of a gun...
On the one hand, I started thinking "yeah in a normal world this probably would've popped up sooner and in hindsight I'm surprised it took 6 months."
On the other, gtfo I'm here for onee-san, don't start this shit 171 chapters into the story!
If I ever played a game with a scan ability and all it said was "you can't run, you're gonna die, fulfill your duty" on a weird OP monster I'd probably piss myself.