If Yui doesn't stop with her thinking of Anna as a robot she's bound to be in deep shit soon enough.
Like, you put yourself, a human, into a robot body, why would you expect her to behave like a robot when she's functioning off of a human mind
it's been so long that when i saw the name I didn't even realize this manga lol
this chapter though, I wouldn't doubt it if our MC understands vacuum and the lack of oxygen, but even the queen knows what those two are lol
Good god, now that guy will just blame himself for the rest of his life.
At the same time, I wonder if Shimura was a murderer or not in that last frame. Somehow I had another idea, that he might have been framed for murder
Not sure what the wife meant by "I'll be at ease if maggots spring out of him"
She definitely didn't say that with any ill intent.
Is it "I'd be relieved if he turns sloppy because interacting with people will just make people hate him"?
Also, the fact that the wife was buried in a coffin...
thanks for the chapter
a suggestion: please don't write it sideways like that, I know Japanese text does it but it won't work with alphabet and truly is a pain to keep bending my neck to read everytime...
the story is dark
but Jimi turn out to be not that "scary" like I was expecting
From the way he's portrayed in previous chapters, I thought he was some kind of criminal
If there's someone reading comment before start reading this manga, here's a warning
If you know the author, you'd know this is a manga you read not to enjoy, not to learn a lesson, but to see the characters get absolutely fucked over.
i guess it's because these girls are young so they didn't think much of it but I just can't believe they messed with some thugs/outlaws and legit paid no mind afterward, having no precaution that those guys might come back even after the debt is paid