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  1. EldritchNeko

    Hazure Skill "Soine" ga Kakuseishi, Boku ga Saikyou Harem wo Kizuku Made ~Micchaku Soine de Ganbou Kaihou!? Yuuwakusare Makutte Komattemasu!!~ - Vol.…

    Bleh. This isn't even that hot. I do appreciate the asshat de-putrifying himself though. There's hope for him yet. Not that I'll get to see it. Bye now.
  2. EldritchNeko

    Hazure Skill "Soine" ga Kakuseishi, Boku ga Saikyou Harem wo Kizuku Made ~Micchaku Soine de Ganbou Kaihou!? Yuuwakusare Makutte Komattemasu!!~ - Vol.…

    Ignoring the genericness and such, so far my only real complaint is that the asshat's name is "Orpheus". It's an affront to the good name of Orpheus, the romantic lyre-player than nearly managed to bring his wife back from the land of the dead, most entirely through the merit of his music. While...
  3. EldritchNeko

    Haite Kudasai, Takamine-san - Vol. 9 Ch. 57 - I'll wait for you

    Fair enough, I suppose. From my own perspective I'd say they've grown a fair bit, but I can understand how it can be frustrating. It is, admittedly, very slow to progress. Hijinks with slivers of progress for the most part, only occasional bursts of honesty. Personally I consider that a fairly...
  4. EldritchNeko

    Gal Can't Be Kind to Otaku!? - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Otaku & Gyaru's Contact

    Dude committed the cardinal sin of informing a chatty extrovert that he's "always available because [he] doesn't have any other friends". That would've been liable to get him chatted up beyond his limits under other circumstances.
  5. EldritchNeko

    Gal Can't Be Kind to Otaku!? - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Otaku & Gyaru's Contact

    The Characters: debates intensely over their favourite anime and come to school with a healthy sheen Me: "Ah, so this is how otaku have sex- when they aren't using a body pillow, that is."
  6. EldritchNeko

    Furoufushi Shoujo no Naedoko Ryokouki

    @akimoriss Are you folks going to keep going with this? It's been two months, and I know for a fact that there's at least one full chapter of raws out. Not to rag on you or anything. I just want to know whether I should keep my hopes up or look elsewhere.
  7. EldritchNeko

    Haite Kudasai, Takamine-san - Vol. 9 Ch. 57 - I'll wait for you

    ...Why did you even read this far then? I can't imagine it took 57 chapters for you to realize this isn't something you like. If you don't like it, then your time is better spent reading things you do like.
  8. EldritchNeko

    Chounin A wa Akuyaku Reijou wo Doushitemo Sukuitai ~Dobu to Sora to Kouri no Hime-kun~ - Vol. 7 Ch. 31 - The Ring

    The Duke's words were specifically "You can't progress your relationship beyond what it is now" and considering that they've already gone all the way... Well, the only other progressions I can think of are marriage and raising children.
  9. EldritchNeko

    Gal Can't Be Kind to Otaku!? - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Otaku & Gyaru & Limited Ed. Figure

    Wait, isn't "Kiramon" pretty much just Digimon with the word Japanese word "Pretty" instead of the English word "Digital" for the prefix? Digimon is more of an "all genders" show though. And yeah, it's fucking amazing.
  10. EldritchNeko

    Dark Summoner to Dekiteiru - Vol. 4 Ch. 44

    I'm calling futa, and Imp is totally going to be into it, but he'll also be pulled away right then. Alternatively, it's a mostly normal development, but then he gets called away right then and it seems all tragic. Then it's revealed that he's allowed to go back and forth pretty often and he's...
  11. EldritchNeko

    Shiboritoranaide, Onna Shounin-san - Vol. 10 Ch. 53.2 - Hi-Potion Part 2

    "Screw that damned fox!" Yeah, I imagine he will at some point. Just have a little patience, I'm sure you'll see your nieces and nephews (who are NOT simultaneously cousins and siblings) soon enough. The fox ears on the are going to be adorable.
  12. EldritchNeko

    Haite Kudasai, Takamine-san - Vol. 9 Ch. 57 - I'll wait for you

    The Author noticing how the response "Are you serious?!" isn't necessarily an easily recognizable expression of joy: "Oh shit. I'm my character."
  13. EldritchNeko

    Haite Kudasai, Takamine-san - Vol. 9 Ch. 52 - Have no regrets

    She got confirmation (or as good as, at least). She's fucking ecstatic. That's what happened.
  14. EldritchNeko

    Haite Kudasai, Takamine-san - Vol. 7 Ch. 40

    Well, he did get a good look at her pussy. It was just more wholesome than holesome. PS: The author definitely knows both English and English innuendos (or maybe just the innuendos, I suppose).
  15. EldritchNeko

    Haite Kudasai, Takamine-san - Vol. 6 Ch. 37 - You Can Do Whatever You Want

    "-make fun of you all the way to my grandchildren's generation" Translation: She was planning to bring it up at family gatherings when their children and grandchildren come to visit. I have no doubt that she genuinely did intend something of the sort (assuming the hidden cameras are real), but...
  16. EldritchNeko

    Haite Kudasai, Takamine-san - Vol. 6 Ch. 37 - You Can Do Whatever You Want

    He's not even all that dense, he's just under a specific sort of impression about their "statuses" and her behaviour sends such mixed signals. He's still somewhat dense, but really it's mostly on her with how she behaves. On one side, her body language and the degree of familiarity with which...
  17. EldritchNeko

    Haite Kudasai, Takamine-san - Vol. 6 Ch. 36 - Do You Want to See It? Or Not?

    Well, I'd imagine it was a rather memorable incident, at least. Might've even been some foam, but... well, I doubt there was quite enough for that (unless she's some kind of degenerate- oh wait).
  18. EldritchNeko

    Shiotaiou no Sato-san ga Ore ni dake Amai - Vol. 3 Ch. 20

    "Hydrangea Ice" they say. Hydrangeas are quite poisonous. As in, cyanide poisonous. Because eating the plant can cause cyanide poisoning. Who the hell thought "Let's make this a shaved ice flavour!"?
  19. EldritchNeko

    Shiotaiou no Sato-san ga Ore ni dake Amai - Vol. 2 Ch. 13

    Oh fuck no! That was stupid as fuck! Don't interfere with someone's love life while drunk, and especially not via text. They deserve to convey that kind of thing in-person at least. A text out of nowhere would seem so half-assed, and worse when it didn't even come from the person themselves.
  20. EldritchNeko

    Shiotaiou no Sato-san ga Ore ni dake Amai - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    "What kind of parent would I be if I didn't even let my child experience pain if he wants to?" This is a peak parenting stance. Let your child grow and experience things while you're there to support them, to catch them if they fall and celebrate their successes.