Man, they really abuse that royal decree thing. The first time they made it sound like such a big deal, like you could disowned for using it flippantly. Now they use it just to stop people snitching on them
You say that like it isn't objectively cool as fuck. I don't know what manga y'all have been reading all this time, but this has always been ridiculous and over-the-top in the best possible way
You're saying this about the manga that features Nikola Tesla in teleporting mech suit. Nothing about this was ever meant to be historically accurate, it's 100% pure hype
Bro, what is she gonna do with an entire goddamn tarasque. That's more material than one person could ever possibly use. Also, where the hell was she pulling those bags of money out from, she definitely was not carrying them when she came in
Bro should just leave, he doesn't need this shit. They want him to do a job for them, and don't even have the courtesy to turn off the enchanted hedge maze when he comes to see them? Fuck that noise, ungrateful rich jerks