Don't mind me. I'm just here to bet my life's savings that he will not actually kill Luna, because she has vagina and only vagina can kill vagina. Also no named character can die in the plot without 20 chapters of buildup. This is going downhill FAST.
Author is cooking but all I can smell is cow dung.
Of course we need a role reversal where the manly man mans up and mans his way through manly deeds and manhood mans down to woo woman, because the only way for woman to be woo'd is to see man be manly man.
I almost thought this series would be...
If you don't feel like spending time on constructive criticism then why bother spending time on unproductive criticism? Seems like even less of a gain. "Feels off" is a meandering quality and I bet if you just read it dilligently enough you'd be able to spot the place where it feels EXTREMELY...
Normally the response to "TL is shite" is one of the below:
"Yah, forreal, forreal"
"Nah, you shite"
"It free, so it can be as shite as it want"
"If you say it shite, you do better one"
"Don't care - teh release still faster than the good one"
You sir have bucked the...
At this point I don't believe she'll get the hint. The author is making her dumber and dumber on purpose just for a cheap cliffhanger. This arc is why I dropped it several years ago I guess, as I don't remember this part.
I find myself re-reading this at random... I retain the sentiment that I had about it 3 years ago. Wonder when it happened that I finally ran out of patience...
"It takes 3 hours walking down the hill but with a flying item it'll be faster. Just 5000 credits"
"Oh. OK. I'll just make credits with missions. Oh here's one: 1 month, 500 credits"
Yeah - I'll do 10 months of missions just to have a slightly faster way to the shop once in a while. Makes total...
Sooo... who did we forget then?
The spirit-log family and the only living boy
The 4 golden core spirit tag-team
The guy who stole the black market token
Third prince charming
Did I miss anyone?...
Him: "I love you, I want to create a family with you, please answer me: yes or no?"
Her: "Man, I've got a career to make, I need my independence. Wait 10 years, let me fool around and I might take you in then"
I like the contrivance the plot goes through to delay the romance. We know it's inevitable, THEY know it's inevitable, yet we're still dancing around the issue in a comedic and endearing way. I simply enjoy it for what it is.
There were some ultra-nerds discussing "oh kidnapping is bad and mega...