Never thought I'd see a Bee Movie reference in a manga, but alright. Also, dogs don't see in shades of gray. They just can't see red or green very well.
@monkey123 I think the problem is more that it could get in the way of fighting, and that she's forced to do it against her will, even if she doesn't want to at the moment.
Ah yes, the classic "someone else picked the manga up after we didn't release anything for 3 months so now we'll quickly post a chapter before the new group can" scheme.
Is it Kirei Cake that splits up the chapters? I find it a bit strange that this series has started releasing in increments as soon as Kirei Cake picked it up, considering most of their other series are like that.
@churrystar It's all of the names for the individual chapters. Doesn't really make sense to me since this is clearly an actual series and not an anthology, but whatever.