@cryum @DANDAN_THE_DANDAN It's a Minecraft version of Sheer Heart Attack from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4. https://jojo.fandom.com/wiki/Killer_Queen#Sheer_Heart_Attack
Finally finished this chapter. In case anyone is curious, Rizeru's name doesn't seem to be referencing anything that I can tell, and I think Bondes's name is just a bone pun.
Did Boredom Society use different raws for this? Chapter 39 has multiple pages despite them being separate in the raws linked here, and the last page doesn't seem to be there at all. Several chapters also seem out of order. Does the e-book have extra chapters are something?
@0181sam There's no way of knowing for sure since it seems we're already caught up with the raws, but I'd say it's pretty damn unlikely given how their love is mutual and the author doesn't seem to have ever written NTR before.
Regarding the untranslated bubble, I think it would be fine to just translate it literally and leave a note at the bottom explaining that it's slang. Translating it as yeet is pretty funny though.
@ThatOneJester Chapter 12 should be coming out today or tomorrow. I already have a good part of the work done. After that I'll be completely caught up with the raws. Mangakakalot already has chapter 12 because they stole Xereste's release from Boredom Society's website.
@Hachi015 You most likely have. This is a retranslation I made for MangaDex-only people like me. This was first translated by Xereste. You can find it on Boredom Society's website if you want to read it.