For all the whiners here and the absurdly low rating, I can think of plenty worse isekai. And I've read them all (well about 90%, they just keep popping up like weeds lol).
As mentioned the hai-desu is nothing more than the particular way the character says "..ok!". In this case it gives the effect of the character as super submissive since she knows she's bitten off way more than she can chew in this world. I'd leave it as you've written it - it...
In the panel where the girl is getting her boobs grabbed, the kanji reads "iyaaaaaa" which would perhaps be closer to "nooooo" in english. In manga "kyaaa" (when explicitly written) tends to be used more often for girls' adulation and children playing although it is also used for girls getting...
Interesting, when the bag is falling, there are correctly 13 clubs in there, but on the panel where it hits the ground, there is an extra headcover in there which implies all 14 clubs are in the bag (unless Yuuki is also Woosnam's caddy).
I like how the author resisted putting the telltale lashes on the MC - usually that is all that separates "girl" from "girly guy" in manga since you can't really tell by facial shape/eye size necessarily, esp in shoujo manga.