Not everyone wants a Foei Gras for dinner every day; sometimes people enjoy a decent enough roast duck. But alas, sorry we don't have such a refined taste like you do.
Considering the fact that fear of gun = stronger gun devil that make sense. Pistol in CSM universe would've invoked the same fear and alarmed response from non-muricans as much as real life people seeing a rifle-looking gun.
A rifle might as well look like a live bomb there.
After 48 chapters, this is the first time I'm having a hard time following some of the combat flow here. (which is sort of impressive, considering many shounens are more concerned with cool action panels/spreads than the flow)
Not everyday do you see others' PoV on OP MC.
Also here their reactions are the more casual admiration in the sense of "glad to have this guy on our team", neither a full-blown worship nor irrational fear/hate towards the MC.
Not that impressive when GDS did the equivalent of opening a locker, taking one of the long finished work they intentionally piled up, then submit it whenever someone upstaged them in order to look fast.
Counting how long till Degens release new chapters.
9 hours as of typing this.
edit: Slept, woke up, and still no followup? What is this, did you actually find a manga even Degen forgot about?
That never help keeping the urge down; it just makes it painful whenever you get erection.
Yeah, made that mistake once. I'm think it's fermenting when I threw it out.
School ranking (especially Asian ones) boils down to memorizing the entire lesson then recite them verbatim (unless you're told otherwise). You can score high by just raw memorization.