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  1. nfzeta

    Ore no Genjitsu wa Ren'ai Game?? ~Ka to Omottara Inochigake no Game datta~ - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - Truth and Lie (5)

    @criver yes and that's exactly what I mean, he has all the evidence to believe and even went through supposed experiments to confirm it and yet he shrugs off the death like its not real. Its bad writing and he's trying to escape reality.
  2. nfzeta

    Ore no Genjitsu wa Ren'ai Game?? ~Ka to Omottara Inochigake no Game datta~ - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - Truth and Lie (5)

    @criver I'm pretty sure he doesn't, at least not really. He shrugged off killing her because 'its a game'
  3. nfzeta

    Ore no Genjitsu wa Ren'ai Game?? ~Ka to Omottara Inochigake no Game datta~ - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - Truth and Lie (5)

    I'm more hung up by why he thinks its all a game and therefore not real.
  4. nfzeta

    Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi ~Sokushi Mahou to Skill Copy no Chouetsu Heal~ - Vol. 2 Ch. 8.2

    @Kisato Apparently the LN was full of extra edge but so far the manga isn't really that dark or rather it isn't that intense.
  5. nfzeta

    Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi ~Sokushi Mahou to Skill Copy no Chouetsu Heal~ - Vol. 2 Ch. 8.2

    Honestly the whole chapter felt cringe. I'm always let down by these supposed 'dark' stories when they flip so easily for wish fulfilment purposes. Now its fully hardened its position as only edgy in my book ?.
  6. nfzeta

    The Duke of Death and His Black Maid - Vol. 3 Ch. 39 - Sabbath (2)

  7. nfzeta

    Hyulla's Clan - Ch. 49.1 - Visitor (1)

    obvious trap is obvious. Edit: By trap I mean the 'girl'.
  8. nfzeta

    Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Ni-kai Kougeki no Okaa-san wa Suki desu ka? - Vol. 1 Ch. 2.1

    Honestly this is taking a route I'm not that big of a fan of. I mean I like the mother there throwing a wrench in his plans but now it just seems like he's tagging along and like any other MC the mom does crazy shit and yet it always goes in her favour.
  9. nfzeta

    Himekishi-san to Orc - Ch. 2 - A Change Of Season

    Damn the way he picked her up was expert level, all in one smooth roll.
  10. nfzeta

    Amano Megumi wa Suki Darake! - Vol. 13 Ch. 125 - You sure!?

    umm what was that hand at the bottom when she was in the bath?
  11. nfzeta

    BEASTARS - Vol. 10 Ch. 80 - The Decision to Smile

    Indeed its so rare for a manga to keep its intrigue to this level for a full 80 chapters.
  12. nfzeta

    To Your Eternity - Vol. 8 Ch. 68 - Flustered

    Yea I'm honestly thinking he can recreate their 'being' but their memories and therefore experiences are gone. His goal was to 'save' the world in a way so being able to repopulate it like that isn't that surprising but I really doubt they actually come back alive, if they do then its probably...
  13. nfzeta

    Isekai Ryouridou

    @Aretheus That's understandable but it's also a fairly subjective view. I personally dropped Shougeki no Soma because I found it was too overdone. Also in the case of this manga it's part of her character to have a muted response. Isekai in general has also overdone character reactions to hype...
  14. nfzeta

    Hatsukoi Zombie

    @Mitsuboshi What do you mean that's the norm now in entertainment. Its all about what the most people enjoy, so niche stuff automatically have it hard. I mean look at what tv series run for 6-10 seasons and look at those that get cancelled in 1.
  15. nfzeta

    Isekai Ryouridou

    @Aretheus A lot of those impressions are so overdone they are practically myths. Especially when it comes to modern day foodand especially in places like say America where they aren't big on spices and such the difference between most foods is minimal compared to olden times. Its only the...
  16. nfzeta

    Ecstas Online

    lol, I was thinking "how bad could it be with a 6 score"... I couldn't even finish the first chapter.
  17. nfzeta


    Welp, I guess he took the 'he's always right here *pointing to chest)' a bit too literally.
  18. nfzeta


    I seriously HATE big misunderstandings like this. Either make them short or not at all.