Man, two and a half chapters of the author blueballing us from what we really want to see, Rimuru destroying Clayman. Please can we get back to that soon?
I can already tell she's going to blame him for getting separated from them. And that she's going to accuse him of wandering off just to flirt with a local girl, or something like that.
Going to say it's probably not meant to be Sephiroth, but Sephirot, as in the Kabbalah Sephirot. Seeing as two of the continents were named Hod and Chesed. As well as the whole tree of life thing.
Please please PLEASE, if you're going to translate, at least do it Japanese to English. Don't translate a translation, that almost always make it impossible to understand.
Man, does the author really believe that her shitty and perverted personality is meant to be funny or something? It's not, it's just bad, like really bad.