I feel like the dynamic worked better when Kanade was more of an "outsider looking in" type of character, making her more of an audience surrogate, but I guess time will tell if this change to her character will add anything positive to the story in the long run. Thanks as always for the...
Honestly didn't expect a new chapter this fast, once again thanks so much for the translation!
I'll have to agree I'm not a big fan of the whole love triangle thing, especially since it seems kinda odd to add it this late into the story. I mean, Himuro has been built up as Yukimura's LI from...
The new outfit is honestly pretty great, I wonder if that's gonna be Karla's main outfit from now on? She has been surprisingly nice lately (for her anyway), this manga is slowly becoming almost sorta heartwarming, you love to see it.
Thanks so much for translating, I was always curious as to where the story was gonna progress after the anime ended, really appreciate you picking the series up!
Honestly I'm really enjoying this so far, very refreshing to see Mashima attempt something a little darker than his usual style. Thanks so much for translating, looking forward to seeing where this goes!
Yooo, this chapter went way further with the shipping than what I expected! I've really been enjoying this arc so far, looking forward to Moi's fight next week!
Sweet, I was waiting for Nemu to show up! Sad to see Keigo lose, but then again he fought with the biggest handicap out of all of them, so I guess it's to be expected.
Man, I'm really gonna miss this series, it was always something to look forward to. Oh well, at least the ending was satisfying, if maybe a bit short. Thanks a ton for the translation!