So he's firing slugs? I'm not sure I would use a scope even then but it makes more sense now.
@Seiryu Exactly. There would be camping and cold weather gear sections as well.
Im not sure the author knows anything about guns but its something newish.
@Dadangdut33 Its been done.
Don't insurrections typically have more shooting and burning? At the very least conservatives take their grievances where they belong as opposed to rioting and burning private businesses.
The ear flapping just isn't fair. I know very well that its a guy but parts of me are unconvinced.
This reminds me of Dungeon Meshi, in which all elves are smoothed faced and feminine and all dwarves have beards, regardless of gender.
I'm so happy to see this continued. Thank you Arctess - for that intriguing bit of text as well. Did we just see someone escape not just the painting but the manor?
The manga could have ended there but it doesn't have to. The author could have characters enter the inn, play out their story arc and leave - then repeat until he is out of ideas. Its one of the best settings I've seen in some time.