@avryanz they're using the English names that were used for the anime a long ways back. You'll most likely see the same thing when Li Wen/Leon gets introduced later in the story.
I'M SO HYPED FOR SHELL~We are now entering battle chef mode.
@ShadowBlazer He used chicken eggs in the wrapper, stuffed crab eggs inside the chicken filling, then topped it with century duck eggs.
When you're cooking with anything minced meat, you want to keep the meat as cold as possible so that it doesn't get gummy and lose shape and fat. Thus, icing your hands helps keep the meat cold and keep their shape and texture.
Interspecies relationships and children confirmed. I'm curious as to what that means biologically. Are people half wolves/half komodo dragons? Or is it like Pokemon where it's just one of the species based on parental gender.
HUH. Interspecies relationships and children confirmed. That's actually interesting.
Makes me go back to the oneshot of the camel and wolf story. I wonder if this kinda thing would've played out.