There wasn't much build up with the mantis fight but if they introduced him last chapter with the fact that he's such a good match up against vampires or if there's a hint or flashback that Rose's father fought him before I think would be better. The mantis just said he can handle her not that...
I'm getting kind of "are we the baddies" vibe now. Hahaha
That kick to Mizuki. Bruh. You see someone destroy your comrades and you possibly ruin the chance of your escape with that?
I like that the MC's emotions are shown in bits and subtle ways. We do not really get to hear his thoughts but we...
Lunarita one shotting the guard. Gurl started chanting the moment she was let down.
This went hard. Ed losing his limbs and pushing through.
Also, I just noticed after rereading.
Is the fake holy sword sharper than Ed's current sword?
Because Ed says he can make something like it but he doesn't...
I don't know why but it felt funny to think she changed right then and there in a church... and then they did the deed. Hahahaha
The abs and the glasses combo is deadly.
Personally, Sayo is number one followed by Misaki, Shizuko, and Haruka.