While I kind of like that the stories are starting to interweave, I don't know why the author is dancing around the fact that the glasses girl dating Donny is the idol. It's being telegraphed a bit too hard for it to be a big surprise reveal later.
This chapter is what happens when you try mangaka-ing while hungry.
With that first page, since the last one ended with applause, it looks like Litna started slow-clapping after Kalin's speech, but no one else responded.
I had been suspecting for a while now that Rihazam was an expy for a former supervisor of the author. Now I'm convinced of that.
I'm just glad that the evil shadowy guy who killed all the nuns is a separate character. Putting all the evil in one basket is just lazy writing.
That's awesome. I can totally picture the MC in a store planet-side, still not finding anything carbonated in the cooler, and ranting about it for two full pages. He's drawn all emaciated, like someone dying of thirst in a desert. "I'll gladly pay 100 million enel for a bottle of cola!" One of...
Rihalzam: "War hero knight he said. Just a country bumpkin. Why does he want to save face so much against some poor new lord of a remote region?"
Hey now, she has to be at least a 9th level Fighter to attract followers, clear a domain, and get the 'lord' title. Name-level characters shouldn't...
That also reminds me of some one-off DC characters from back in the Silver Age. They were from a future long after all of the contemporary heroes had died or buggered off somewhere. Each person on this team was artificially granted one of Superman's powers through a combination of genetic...
The blue-eye and red-eye designs are so obviously clearly different, in this black-and-white manga. They are so unique and distinct that there's no possible way for the reader not to easily tell who is who.
Of course the grill doesn't use gas or charcoal. This is a civilised futuristic society. So, of course they use the clean even-heating power of propane (and propane accessories).