this also bothers me as a casual reader because it also is an accessibility issue. although you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, its another thing entirely if you can't even understand what it is. as a result i typically ignore a lot of stuff because their titles are romanized.
fr ikea is swag, why the fuck did he decline they got so much shit there. i would even go to ikea in my own time and this motherfucker passes up the perfect excuse to go to ikea? dumbass
Knee push ups aren't actually that much of a downgrade. They activate identical muscle groups, so if you're just trying to exercise for the sake of staying healthy, they are more than effective. And volume doesn't matter as much as the effort you put in! Focusing on form will tire you out...
we gotta stop supporting such blatant patriarchal propaganda by translating into other languages so it may proliferate through the masses of other nations my fellow dudes