Gotta give em this, I never thought that they'd actually go through with the consequences of having your entire boxing strategy being getting hammered in the head thousands of times for every one hit you give, but I guess we'll see if it really sticks
he keeps having takamura have weird vision problems and keeps drawing his right eye weirdly so I wish he'd hurry up and talk about his fucked up retinas or whatever the hell it is instead of just going forever and then acting like it was some long-hidden shocker
ah yes, of course, the magical japanese punches that surpass the force of the hundreds of punches that they get hit with up until they remember how to punch good
yeah, my presumption is that Griffith will never stop until he's in control of all reality, and maybe not even then. he needs to control and be loved by everything. he played it cool when Rickert rejected him but there's no way he could handle that.
it's very funny to me how so many people seem to think that Griffith has decided to be a good guy now and isn't just collecting all the remaining humans he can get into one spot for another sacrifice
I'm not sure whether that technique is supposed to be the super experimental method or not, but what I was expecting her plan to be was to just remove the heart altogether and install a constant circulator, like what Dick Cheney has. Then there would be the literary irony of the head of...
@Ca_Calico this was the fight that made me stop reading this series however many years back it was when this came out. I'm only just now giving it a shot again and trying to find where I left off.
I dropped this series a long while ago and wasn't sure how far back to go, but now I see I'm all the way back to the fucking monkey fucker which was one of the things that finally made me quit reading in the first place
it's so fucking dumb
it's exactly as realistic as meat mountain men twisting individual muscles into spirals or smashing through concrete because your heart is beating faster