Is dark skin a racial trait in this world? If not then racism thing doesn't really hold water. More like hating and fearing someone because they have albinism or something (in some backward countries albinos are considered to be witches or cursed and killed as a result). Still stupid and...
It doesn't make sense for her to take off her clothes to warm him up if he's still got all those layers on insulating him from her warmth (and life-giving thiccness).
Where does she get off showing human foibles? MC's should always be perfectly rational and always do what I expect them to do - how else am I supposed to self-insert?
@Jockpo523 I don't agree. Look at him. In every frame from the look on his face he may as well be doing data entry. There's no such passion from him - he was ordered to behead them all so that's what he's doing and that's all there is to it.