Rightdark is garbage and I keep running into series with huge gaps because I blocked their group from showing up.
I tolerate GDS because their work usually at least approaches "decent", but I don't shed any tears if a non-MTL group pops up and eats their lunch on a series where they're...
I just dropped Frieren myself. They've been on their current mission for what feels like ages, and the series just went on hiatus again. Like you I'm just no longer excited to see a new update, so it's time to put it down (at least for a while).
And it's not that I don't enjoy the characters...
In addition to blurring, censor-barring, and sometimes just hastily whiting out fan service or cleavage, I've also seen them move things like text boxes and scenery around the panels to cover up "racy" material.
Yeah it's really weird.
It really should have been enchanted to look like something that would get turned into lost and found, and there's no way the mules would come in asking for a bag of money.
I agree.
They started out as different takes on a similar theme, but Frieren has developed into a more typical adventure story while this one continues to focus on the passage of time and the importance of making memories that will live on.