So the author is an idiot who doesn't know how scanlations introduce her work to an international market. Let her drop it; there are a thousand villainess stories exactly like hers, and there will be a thousand more once she is gone.
Well, Wilfred is suddenly even worse than Evan in my books now. Seriously, this paints fucking family-killing Sandra in a better light as compared to this shitbag.
If this story even attempts anything in the form of a redemption arc for her; then I will drop this manga and rate it a 1/10. Some acts are irredeemable, and killing your 2 young brothers out of greed is one of them.
I know that these scenes are usually overdramatic, but this one was so ridiculously over the top that I felt more like laughing than being sympathetic to the MC.
You know, I see it so often in Manhua/Manwha and still have no idea what it is. What the fuck is cultivation and why are so many writers so obsessed with it?
So she is pretty useless in all regards, and she herself admits that her only talent is her pedophilic stalking. Can anyone tell me why we are supposed to like this MC?